Healing tea blendsWhat can’t be missed in the life of a Jedi… um, I mean yogi, is a good cup of tea.

We love our tea blends and nothing is better than to start or finish your day with a vitalizing or relaxing cup.

I also went to a lot of yoga classes where we were all enjoying some great blend after our savasana. Maybe that could be a nice idea for your yoga class as well?

In ancient times they even used it as medicine. And although I’m not a doctor and I don’t want to replace normal medicine with my brews, I do allow them into my life to support my body and health.

Here are a couple of brews that I came up with myself that I use regularly.

Healing Tea

Tea has been in our lives for a long time already and in some civilizations, they even used it as medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine still uses tea as medicine, even today.

Healing tea blendsOf course, you can buy some packaged tea already and that’s okay if you’d like that.

However, be aware that dried tea has lost a lot of it’s healing properties already and therefore isn’t that effective anymore.

Also, if you use a tea that uses tea leaves, you’ll find caffeine as well and that again isn’t that supportive of the body. Although, it might give you a kick for the start of the day.

As you see, there are a couple of things you need to be aware of if you are going to use tea to support your health. I always try to use fresh products that I can find around me.

That said, it’s easy for me to do as I’m living in the countryside. Therefore, the blends I’m going to talk about, later on, will be easy to find as well in your local (organic) supermarket.

If you don’t have the time to harvest or even create your blend, you can also try the usage of essential oils or tinctures. They are cooked in such a way that the healing characteristics of the herbs are collected into the oil or alcohol.

Just be aware that not all essential oils are meant to be used in beverages. So carefully read the instructions or look online what it’s good for!

And one more thing, if you are using tea for a particular reason, be aware that you have to drink it regularly. You can’t expect to have the effect of the tea already from the moment you sip your first mixture.

#1 Power Cleanse Tea

The tea that I’m using very regularly at the moment. And it was also created very spontaneously. I wasn’t even aware of what it did the moment I started drinking it.

This is also a bit the part of being on the yoga path, you start to become more intuitive and you’ll listen more to the needs of your body. This means that you’ll be creating things, without even being aware of what it does.

The blend that I’m using at the moment is quite powerful and works quite well. I’ve been using it daily for two weeks now and I feel that it’s supporting me as well. The great thing, it only needs 3 different kinds of herbs.

It all started actually when a friend of mine brought me a lot of lemongrasses. He had quite a lot of it standing in his garden and he didn’t know what he could use it for. Therefore, I started to make tea out of it. I started adding some things like the flavor of just the lemongrass was a bit too bland for me, and I came up with this mixture.

Alright, now to produce your mixture of your Power Cleanse Tea:

– Basil

– Ginger

– Lemongrass

To make this it’s really easy. For 4 cups of this amazing tea, you’ll need:

  • Ā A small chunk of ginger,
  • Three basil leaves,
  • And about 6 leaves of lemongrass.

What you need to do now is to bring the water to a boil. Then you add all the ingredients and let it sit on a small fire for about 15 minutes.

And that’s it!

You’ll have your easy homemade tea! What’s also nice is that in the summer you can just let it cool down, add a bit of extra lemon juice, and then you have a very refreshing and healthy drink.

Another thing you can do, if you are a sweet-tooth, is to add a bit of honey or agave syrup if you’d like to sweeten it up.

With honey, you just have to be a bit careful as it will lose its healthy features as well if you add it to water that’s above 104Ā°F (40Ā°C).

Benefits of drinking lemongrass tea

Healing tea blendsLemongrass has a lot of healing properties and does quite a lot of things, here are the reason why I came up with this mix.

First of all, it has a great infection prevention effect. This means that it’s a great way to use it when you have a chronic disease or when your immune system is a bit on the lower side.

In a study, there is also shown that lemongrass itself is also a great painkiller. If you want to read the whole science about it to read why it does what it does, I suggest reading this article. For me, it was a bit too scientifically to write it all down here though.

And the main reason why I’m using it at the moment is to cleanse my kidneys. Lemongrass is considered to stimulate urine production and therefore is a great way when you are holding water in your body. It also has to be said though that when you are using lemongrass it’s best to drink some extra water.

Pregnant women out there, I’m sorry, but it’s likely to be unsafe for you to drink lemongrass water. It’s been proven that lemongrass can start the menstrual flow, and therefore it might be dangerous for your unborn child.

Did you also know that it’s actually quite easy to grow lemongrass? If you have some space in your garden, you might want to plant some of these!

Benefits of drinking basil tea

Healing tea blendsBasil isn’t that well-known for making tea, but it has a lot of healing properties and is tasting quite amazing in this mixture!

The main reason that I’m using basil is that I had a light stroke when I was a kid. There’s a blood vessel in my brain that was too small and therefore prevented blood flowing to a part of my brain. This was cured by taking blood thinners, like aspirin. These I still have to take and I’ve been taking them for a long time now. Luckily, basil prevents the side effects from happening in my body.

Not only that, but it’s also a blood thinner myself. This also means that I’m not adding it too often to my mixture as I don’t want my blood to be too thin of course ;). However, it might also be great to use when you have a headache. People have been using aspirin as a cure for their headaches.

Basil also lowers blood pressure, so try using this when you are experiencing signs of this. On the other side again, people with low blood pressure better can’t use basil tea.

Benefits of drinking ginger tea

Healing tea blendsWell, this one is probably the most known herb there is at the moment. For years now people have been using it again and again. Especially in the yoga world, ginger lemon tea is probably the most famous drink!

I use it for its anti-inflammatory effect. And for that purpose, it’s fitting perfectly with this blend of tea as well. Therefore, the combination of these three herbs is pretty much powerful as a detox drink. Also, I’m diagnosed with IBS and I have to say that this drink has been such a relief for any flares that I’ve got so far.

#2 Throat Ache Relieve Tea

Another mixture, but one that I’m not using that often anymore, is one that helps if you have a throat ache. There was a period in my life where I had a throat ache for almost a month. I did try medicines of course, but it still didn’t go away. And looking back at that period, I do have to say that I can see why I was having that throat ache, as I was just bottling up everything inside of me and not speaking up for what I wanted.

Healing tea blendsSo, I came across this mixture and I had to say that it was working very well for me. The pain was immediately gone for a couple of hours. Of course, this was only to relieve the symptoms and not really to cure the foundation of my throat ache, that I had to do myself.

3 easy to find ingredients:

  • Sage,
  • Thyme,
  • Honey

And the method is the same as with the previous mixture.

Sage has an antibacterial effect, so it’s also great to use as a mouth wash. Just put some sage water in your mouth and you’ll have a great natural mouthwash as well.

#3 Stomach Acid Relieve Tea

Another favorite of mine is this one. And this is probably the easiest one of them all. We all sometimes overeat, or we eat things that we shouldn’t. Or we just have a weak stomach, that’s also possible. Then this tea is suitable for you.

Healing tea blendsAniseed tea is for me my go-to when I have stomach acid. Nothing as bad as having that burning effect in your stomach, together with a bit of reflux…

Aniseed isn’t always that easy to find, and as it is seeds, mostly it’s dried, so best to use a lot of it to get the wanted effect. If it doesn’t grow in your garden, you can find it easily online, or in your local organic supermarket, you’ll probably have it as well. They mostly offer a wide range of health products as well.

So, for one cup of this tea, I’d suggest you use a tablespoon of aniseed.

I don’t like the particular taste of anise as I dislike the taste of licorice in general. So this tea I normally use in the worst-case scenarios ;). However, if you like the taste, you are safe to use it! Well, that’s if you are not allergic to it of course.


So, that’s about it for some great healing teas for yogis! Well, they’re not just for yogis of course, but just for everyone who’d like to give it a try. I once again would like to say that I’m not a physician, so I can’t give any medical advice. For that, you need to be with a certified practitioner, and I always suggest talking to your doctor first when you are having symptoms.

That said, what is your favorite kind of tea? Do you have any kind of recipe that you’d like to share with us? Please leave it in the comment section down below!

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Jason zheng

    I am Chinese and I also like tea very much, and some of the recipes you provided in the article make me feel very useful. I will collect it, thank you very much for sharing.

    1. Virendra

      You’re very welcome Jason! And if you have a great recipe to share, please do!

  2. Oren

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful write ups about the benefits of herbal tea! I have personally found tea to very helpful for promoting good health and in relieving symptoms of various ailments.
    Teas that contain ginger are some of my favorites!

    Cheers to vibrant great health!

    1. Virendra

      Hi Oren, thank you for your comment! What is your favorite blend?

  3. Ionut

    Hi, Virendra!

    Thank you for this informative post.

    I am not a fan of yoga practicing, but I have given up smoking recently and I have decided to drink tea instead of coffee as much as possible because drinking coffee is reminding me about smoking cigarettes which I want to forget for the rest of my life.

    I enjoy drinking fruits-flavored tea, as well as I like so much the taste of classical black tea with a piece of lemon.

    I have discovered the taste of the latter when I met my wife and this is one of her favorite tea too.

    With lots of health benefits that you were pointing out in this article, we will be trying the teas that you are mentioning to diversify our tea times during the coming winter nights šŸ™‚

    Thank you again and have a blessed day!


    1. Virendra

      Hi Lonut,

      Congratulations with quitting your smoking habit! I don’t know by heart, but there are some teas as well that are very helpful with cleansing your lungs. Basil for example is also a great one for the respiratory system, so maybe you could give it a try ;).

      Kind regards

  4. Chrissie

    Hi Virendra, I love this post because I love the flavor of fresh herbal teas and now you have added some medicinal benefits which makes it way more interesting. I did not know aniseed was good for acid stomach/reflux – there you go, I do love the taste of aniseed thank goodness and I really love basil too so i am going to enjoy your recipes – many thanks Chrissie.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Chrissie, thank you for your comment and enjoy your tea break šŸ˜‰

  5. Geri

    I enjoy a cup of tea almost every night. It relaxes me and completes my day. I usually buy Hyley’s tea which comes in assorted flavors. My husband prefers acai and goji berry and I enjoy the regular and orange but there is also pomegranate and cranberry.

    I’ve tried ginger tea but not too fond of it. I haven’t tried the other flavors that you have posted.

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