Hi there, my name is Virendra and I’d like to welcome you to my website. I’m currently living in Portugal where I’m managing a holiday place where we hold yoga retreats. My adventure as a yogi started six years ago and every year, month, week I still find myself going deeper into the depths of who I am. Are you ready to do the same?


6 years ago my yogi life started. I started out my first vinyasa class. It was the beginning of a whole new journey! Since then I’ve progressed a lot, done some courses, and after three years I became a yoga teacher. I thaught classes in several studios in Antwerp, Sint-Niklaas and my hometown Beveren. Two years ago I moved to Portugal to deepen my practice of yoga and meditation amidst the beautiful nature this country has to offer. And up until now I’m still living in this beautiful area where I am surrounded by the beautiful mountains and ocean.


I’ve build this website to make sure that you’ll get the best gear there is out there. The last few years yoga has been booming and a lot of companies have jumped in on the growing market. As a teacher, I’ve bought and used a lot of utilities myself to deepen my practice. It’s not always easy to find the perfect mat, and I have to say that for everyone there preference might be difference. So I would like to guide you through the stuff that is available and make sure that you’ll find the things that you need to deepen your practice.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,


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