In the past I’ve reviewed Asana Rebel as a good app for yoga poses, but a yoga app isn’t always that practical for when you are on the go. That’s why I’ve reviewed apps like Calm and Headspace for you as well. Those two are probably the biggest in the Google Play Store. They are great, but they are getting a bit too commercial and sometimes I feel they are not on top of their game anymore.

That’s why I looked at some top meditation apps for Android that aren’t that known just yet! And after some digging and testing, I found the best next thing for you! The Atom meditation app is a great alternative for those who’d like to put the focus back on mindfulness, especially if you are new to it!

They are promoting they are the best way to build a meditation habit, and I have to mention, that I’m already completely hooked on it! So what more proof do I need to give?

Alright, you need a bit more than just my word, don’t you? Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of this app before you decide whether it’s yay or nay for you!

The pros of atom meditation app

I always like to begin with the good things, because they normally overshadow the stuff that’s not always that great. And luckily for this app there is more to be happy about than sad! 

The first thing that does it for me is the simplicity of the app. It’s all quite streamlined. You get the meditation of the day, you can choose between different paths and so on. There is not a lot of big fuzz about the app, making it quite minimalistic.

On top of that, there is something for everyone. If you are new to meditation, you can just follow the ‘Building a habit’ path, if you are experiencing anxiety in your life, you follow that path. There are seven paths so far, but they are open to suggestions. And I think in time it will be nice for them to grow a bit more and give a bit more options for their users.

I’ve been mostly getting myself involved now in the ‘Building a Habit’ program and it’s really great! Even though I already have a meditation habit, obviously, I’ve been installing a new habit now on top of that! And that with their help. The reason why it’s so effective for me is the fact that there’s a reward system involved. You can plant some online trees and create your own forest! For this you will have to gather some points, which you will earn by completing meditations and/or by reading the info sheets. And by doing the pop quizzes!

I’m so excited about this app, it somehow is the first one that I still use after two weeks time of extensive use. But there are a couple of minor details of the app as well, let’s have a look at those before you decide whether or not you’d like to continue with it.

the cons of atom meditation app

I have to be honest that I haven’t seen a lot of cons while using the app. And the ones I have seen are mostly the ones that are quite personal. They might not be seen by you as something you dislike. Heck, they aren’t even negative for me, just a bit of a pity they didn’t include it in the design of the app.

For example, what I’ve always loved on the other apps, was the fact that they were always offering breathing exercises. I’m a big fan of breathwork and I even have a free app completely focused on breathing. If it was included in this one, it would’ve made me remove another app. 

There is a little meditation timer though that you can put on if you are ready to do a meditation on your own. It’s helpful and you can install some timers, sounds, and so on. Not the same as breathing exercises, but good enough. 

During the meditations (which are short and powerful) there is not a big list of extra options like background music, voices, sounds and so on. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but there aren’t a lot of options that I actually enjoy myself.

and lastly, the information sheets are really amazing, I’ve even learned a thing or two about creating a habit. However, the information at this moment is quite focused on Fogg’s models. I know that for mastery reasons, it’s good to focus on one model and not let it become too hectic and eclectic, but I liek to have a bit more information.

How does the atom meditation app score?


The content itself is good. The meditations are short enough to keep practising them, the information sheets are fun and informative as they should be. The only thing that would improve the score for me is the sounds and music to choose from in the background. 


This application just costs you 50 dollars a year. That’s not too bad, not the best either. It’s quite a normal price. Knowing that Headspace will cost you between 60 or 70 dollars, this is a better price. 


So far I haven’t experienced anything bad about the app itself, it’s streamlined and it does what it’s supposed to do! Five star no doubt!

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