Everything you need or need to know about your yoga studio classes!

Yogi Elephant In The Room: Naked Yoga Classes

However no-one speaks about it, the trend is gaining popularity: naked yoga classes. I've already mentioned it a little bit in my previous article about yoga styles that are different, but I've decided to talk about the elephant in the room: naked yoga classes. This because I feel there is a lot to gain from these classes, and besides that, it's…

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How to Meditate at Home

We've all been there, you came back from a retreat, a teacher training or just a holiday in general. You're in this state of ecstasy and you want to hold on to it for as long as possible. And you actually can, but it's gonna be quite tough unless you follow the following tips that I've got for you! But…

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Free Meditation Podcasts

When I bought my first iPod like more than ten years ago, I was already amazed by Podcasts. Somehow they were so much easier to use than just browsing on the web for some of your favorite meditations. Of course, at that time, there wasn't that much available yet and I had to cope with a couple of random podcasts.…

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How To Clean Your Yoga Mat

We all spend a lot of time on our mats, and that means that there are a lot of germs accumulating on it. Good health for your yoga mat is necessary if you'd like to keep on practicing care-free. I'm not gonna talk about the things that it can cause, they're not that bad, but it's better to avoid them.…

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5 Great Yoga Personalities

In one of my previous articles, I wrote about inspiring yoga studios that are doing something for other people. In this article, I'm going to write about some great yoga personalities who have changed my view on yoga. These people have inspired me to become a better yoga teacher and a better person in general. To make clear that yoga…

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