In this article here we’ll be looking at some gay yoga retreats that will take place in Asia. As Asia isn’t always that gay-friendly though, it’s also often referred as yoga for men.

Of course, in the latter you’ll be finding men of all sorts, but at least it will be among men.

So, here we go!


Art of Life Retreats
Prices start at US$ 1.150
Dates available All-Year-Round

This retreat doesn’t just offer yoga classes for men only, you’ll also be doing some Qigong.

This retreat will last for five days and is actually an amazing retreat to get settled into Bali.

For five days you’ll be staying in Ubud, which isn’t only the capital of Bali, it’s also the spiritual centre of it all.

During these five days you’ll be in a group of just two. You’ll be having almost a private yoga retreat! And that for the price of just a normal yoga retreat.

Of course, if you’d like your partner to join, you can take him with you!

During these five days you’ll be hanging out and doing yoga with Michael. He’s quite a man. He has done a lot in his life and therefore he’ll be amazing to talk about all of the different paths that he has walked.

The center itself will be providing all of the meals, so you don’t have to worry about finding food yourself. And you’ll be even enjoying an occasional massage that is included in the price!

The itinerary really looks amazing, with mixing up yoga and Qigong, but also doing different kinds of workshops about energy and such.

This is really a must if you are a gay man or couple traveling around in Asia. Just to take a break from your adventure, or even to start yours!

individual gay yoga retreat in india

The Mister & Art House
Prices start from US$ 1481
Available All Year Round

The Mister & Art House have a couple of packages available, so I’ll leave the link down below to their overall page. It’s not a link to a specific retreat.

That said, ever wanted to go to a gay boutique hotel in Delhi or Jaipor, India? To me it sounds like the perfect way to connect and get around in India. Especially because your host Mr. Sanjay Malhotra has taken care of everything to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

India isn’t a wellknown destination yet for gay tourism, but things are changing rapidly and even though you might want to watch out holding hands on the street, in this hotel you can just do what you please!

This is India’s first gay boutique hotel and it might even still be the only one to this date!

You can book the package with yoga a massage (with a gay massage therapist) and tantric sessions. Or you can book just a stay with them. It’s all up to you! Although the first one really sounds amazing. And there’s even more as they also offer two guided trips that are included in the price! 

Therefore, this is a great budget for what you get out of it!

Gay Naked yoga cruise in Turkey

Captain Jack Yachting
Prices start from US$ 1521
Multiple Dates Available

Alright I know, Turkey is a bit on the borders of Europe/Asia. but geographically still Asia, so I can include it in this article! And luckily so, because I really did save the best for last!

This retreat will actually be taking place on a yacht! So, this is retreat isn’t for landlubbers, argh. However, you won’t be sailing the seven seas, so I wouldn’t be too worried about getting seasick. 

This is actually a naked yoga retreat that’s exclusive for gay men! It has 2 daily yoga sessions and is completely catered for! This retreat is a real must, even if you are not too much into nudity, it might be a good time to get over that hesitation and fear and board this ship!

Their retreats are very popular so make sure you book ASAP!

Wanna stay closer to home? If you are European, I’ve got some amazing Gay Yoga Retreats as well, right here. In this article you’ll also find more information about why you should go on a gay yoga retreat if you are part of the LGBTQA+.

Unfortunately, in Northern-America the hype for gay yoga retreats hasn’t arrived just yet. I’ve looked everywhere but couldn’t find anything at all. If you know about gay yoga retreats in the US or Canada, please contact me and I will add your retreat in a future article!

Nama-stay wonderful everyone!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Wade

    I love this website! Do you have any information about yoga teacher training in Asia, Central or South America? Preferably LGBT or men, but any good school recommendations would be great.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Wade,

      Thank you for leaving a comment on my article. I have to be honest that so far there aren’t really Teacher Trainings that are specifically for gay men. I think that might just be a bit too much into a niche. I do know that Blue Osa did have one, but they haven’t done it for a while anymore. It might be good to check it though, because yogi Aaron identifies as a gay man, and very often he does offer retreats and/or getaways focused on yoga and being part of the LGBTQ+ community.

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