Going on a Yoga Retreat in Europe might not be for everyone. Well, that’s wrong. If you are opting out of going on a retreat yourself than these budget retreats might be something for you.

When you plan your trip well enough (and enough in advance), you can even save a lot of money on your plane ticket.

Here are 5 mini euro trips that are manageable on a budget suitable for you.

Traveling in Europe

Europe is quite big and has a lot of diverse cultures and languages. Luckily most people speak English and they almost all have the Euro as the common currency.

This means that if you are from Europe yourself, you don’t have to be worried about the exchange rates and everything.

And if you are from outside of Europe, it’s also quite easy to travel around Europe if you plan to extend your stay before or after the retreat.

The budget yoga retreats that I have picked out for you are in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Montenegro.

This because it’s quite easy to travel around within, or around these countries. The climate is warm and enjoyable. And because of the Mediterranean climate somehow the people are also very relaxed, kind, and heartwarming.

Well, in general, that is. Of course, you always have some people that aren’t really pleasant, that’s life.

Budget Traveling and Retreats

So for this article, I had a few criteria to take into consideration. For example, the retreats had to have accommodation and at least one meal.

The countries that I choose aren’t normally that expensive to eat out for the other two meals. And it also might give you the opportunity to discover some hidden gems.

#1 Explore Before You Decide Where To Eat/Drink/Stay

For those who are already traveling on a budget, you know that you shouldn’t stay on the main streets, and go into the smaller streets for more reasonable prices!

Not only that, but these countries are also really strict when it comes down to hygiene in restaurants and street vendors.

This means that you can safely eat some food from a food truck, for example. Although you might want to take a seat when you eat, when you are buying food on the street you are free to sit wherever you want. Like on the beach, for example, watching a beautiful sunset!

#2 Set Your Budget (Before Booking Anything)

A great part of traveling on a budget is knowing what your budget is and to stick to it. So before you leave, before you even book your retreat, flights, and itineraries, decide what you’d like to spend.

#3 Limit The Usage of Your Credit Card

Don’t use your credit card! This is just to keep in mind that it’s easy to use your credit card and think: hey, I’ll pay it in the next couple of months.

But the danger here is that you’ll overspend and that your budget will be emptied in just a couple of swipes with your card. It’s okay to take your credit card, but only use it in emergencies.

If you want more tips on traveling on a budget, then go to this website.

And one last thing I’d like to mention: cheap yoga retreats don’t mean that they are also cheaply organized. You have to consider that not all of these countries mentioned below are economically very stable, which means that they offer more for less money.

Just as a little side-note.


Prices start at US$ 200
3 Days/ 2 Nights

Traveling on a budget to Greece is quite easy if you stay away from the main islands and the touristic places. But that’s like everywhere else of course.

Greece has a lot of islands to discover, so if you’d like to go island hopping, it’s very suitable for that. Check out the prices of the ferries though as those may elevate the price of your trip.

But back to topic now!

How do you feel about doing some yoga in luxurious accommodation at a very good price? Well, it’s all possible at this venue! The Irides hotel has made a very beautiful yoga shala, providing you with the best view you can have of the whole island.

The retreat itself has more to offer than just a beautiful location, of course, there are also a lot of activities involved during your three day trip to the island of Aegina. You’ll be getting around 4 sessions a day, going from yoga to meditation.

This retreat will make sure that you are completely relaxed when you are going back to your routine, or if you are just starting out to get to know the different greek island.


Prices start at US$ 470
8 Days / 7 Nights

Pizza and pasta are words that immediately come into your mind when you are thinking about Italy. It’s no surprise that Italy knew how to surprise us with there simple, yet delicious food they have to offer. They make it with care and love and that’s what you taste in their dishes. Here is a retreat for you if you love to have some traditional Italian pizza.

During this retreat, you’ll be staying in the 2-star Hotel Arno. It may be that you aren’t looking forward to staying in a two-star hotel in a tourist location. However, this retreat has a lot to offer for the price they are offering it for!

You’ll be getting two yoga sessions a day, three meals a day and this for 7 nights long! This is actually too crazy for a retreat where prices start from US$ 470.

And on top of that, you’ll also get two meditation sessions during this week and a free one-hour massage!

The retreat is located in the San Marino area, with Rimini Airport as its closest airport. This airport is growing and has more and more low-budget airlines coming.

But it’s still a small airport, so you might have a better chance of going into some bigger airports and taking the train after that.

Prices start from US$ 284
4 Days / 3 Nights

Not so far from Rome, you’ll find this retreat. It will last for four days, making it a perfect escape if you are planning to make a city trip to the amazing capital of Italy. Or if you just need some time in nature, it will do as well.

You’ll be getting three yoga classes a day and two meals are included as well. Which gives you plenty of time to relax and enjoy the amazing hilly scenery or just to browse through an authentic Italian village. The choice is yours ;).

Within the package there’s also a guided meditation walk included. I’ve talked about it a bit in this article.

The environment here is really suitable to practice this. The peace and tranquility in the area are amazing to learn how to do a silent meditation walk so you can take this type of meditation home as well!


Prices start from US$ 537
7 Days / 6 Nights

Portugal also has been one of the countries lately that has been high in demand for Yoga Retreats. The country itself is still low in population, which leaves a lot of open space to hold a retreat. The retreat I’ve picked out for you is just above Lisbon, so it’s good to combine with a city trip and is close to the beach as well.

The Art of Vinyasa is a retreat near Ericeira and it has a lot to offer. You’ll be getting 2 vegan meals a day. Which is quite exclusive as there are not so many vegan options to find when you are doing a retreat. So this retreat is vegan approved!

Not only that, but you’ll also be getting two yoga classes a day, meditation sessions and they also have a diverse evening program. They are really going deep into the whole yoga philosophy and the yogic life, so this retreat is for those who’d like to be immersed in yoga and meditation for complete rejuvenation.

If you happen to have the time, Ericeira has been called the surfer’s paradise and the retreat organizers also know who and where you can get a surf lesson at an additional cost. So feel free to ask them.

As well, Portugal is quite cheap, so it’s very suitable for those who are looking for a budget trip. Going to a cafe and drink a coffee might cost you $1. Going to a restaurant is on average $14 for a whole meal, drinks included.

Prices start from US$ 179

4 Days / 3 Nights

This price just looks too good to be true, but don’t worry, it’s not. It’s an actual great yoga retreat that you’ll be getting for this price!

Not just that, but normally for a price so low, you’ll have to camp, but not in this case! You’ll be sleeping in a shared room with a shared bathroom, but for this price, you really can’t complain about it. And you can always pay 50 dollars more to go into a private room.

The retreat center itself will be in the Algarve, near Odeceixe. Which is a great town with a lot of surfers hanging around there. So if you are into surfing, make sure that you have some time to get on your board.

Within this package only breakfast is included, but the prices to go out for lunch and dinner are so low in Portugal that we are talking about 20 dollars extra for both meals. Which is practically nothing. And you can always decide to go to the supermarket to make sure that you won’t be going over your budget.

Prices start from US$ 460
5 Days / 4 Nights

For our third retreat in Portugal we’ll be going to Peniche. A little bit more up north from Ericeira. And yet another surfer’s paradise. I’m not a surfer, even though it’s been on my list, but I’ve heard that Peniche is more suitable if you are a beginner. 

Everyone is welcome at this retreat, however, so don’t feel left out if you are already an intermediate surfer.

During this retreat, you’ll be getting 4 surf classes and 3 yoga classes. Because we all know that surfing and yoga go hand in hand with each other.

You might not get the most profound spiritual experience when you go to this retreat, but at least you’ll be getting one with the ocean.


Prices start from US$537
7 Days / 6 Nights

Monte-who?! Yes, Montenegro is a country in Europe. And a beautiful one as well if I may add. It used to be former Serbia and Montenegro, and before that, it used to be Yugoslavia.

Since their divorce in 2003 you don’t hear a lot from them anymore, so let’s give this little country the attention that they deserve.

This retreat is lying in the beautiful hilly mountains of Stari Bar. Although it’s in the mountains, it’s also not that far away from the beach.

The retreat itself is completely catered, so you’ll have all your meals at the property. And if you get hungry in between the meals, there will be refreshments to your disposal. Meals are all vegetarian.

You will be getting two classes a day and there is even a yoga hall inside the hotel, which means you don’t have to worry about going during the wintermonths. Besides that there are also a few excursions in the beautiful nature of Montenegro.

The nearest airport is Podgorica Airport. They don’t really provide a transfer service, but they’ll do their best to see if other participants are arriving in the same period as you do. This might suppress the costs and even gives you a chance to get to know your fellow yogis.

Prices start from US$537
7 Days / 6 Nights

This retreat is lying in the beautiful hilly mountains of Stari Bar. Although it’s in the mountains, it’s also not that far away from the beach.

The retreat itself is completely catered, so you’ll have all your meals at the property. And when you get hungry in between the meals, there will be refreshments at your disposal. Meals are all vegetarian.

You will be getting two classes a day and there is even a yoga hall inside the hotel, which means you don’t have to worry about going during the winter months. Besides that, there are also a few excursions in the beautiful nature of Montenegro.

The nearest airport is Podgorica Airport. They don’t really provide a transfer service, but they’ll do their best to see if other participants are arriving in the same period as you do. This might suppress the costs and even gives you a chance to get to know your fellow yogis.

Yoga Retreat Montenegro
Image by My Yogic Adventure on BookYogaRetreats

Budget yoga retreats in spain

Prices start from US$ 400
5 Days / 4 Nights

Silence is probably one of the most powerful meditation techniques. And this retreat is 90% going on without speaking! Your teacher, Ellen, has had a lot of practice in Buddhist traditions, including Vipassana.

The environment itself is extremely suitable for these types of practices. Which include a bit more than just sitting in silence. There will be yoga sessions, talks by Ellen and silent walks.

The combination of all of these different types of practice will make sure you’ll get a deep spiritual trip.

Prices start from US$ 399
6 Days / 5 Nights

This trip also has the entire package deal included. However, instead of going into silence, there will be a bit more noise at this retreat.  This retreat includes sound baths. Which is so amazing to experience. 

Not just will there be singing bowls, but there will also be a couple of ceremonies to connect you back with nature. 

This retreat is completely focused on centering yourself again. Which means that you’ll be cleansing yourself energetically and regain a lot of power again to continue the daily business in your life!


That was it for some affordable yoga retreats, if you have more questions, or if you have a spot that has to be on this list. Let me know in the comment section below!

Nama-Stay wonderful!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Dane

    Thanks for this wonderful information. My wife loves yoga a lot and would do just about anything to get going with it. So many time she have fantasize about going to Greece and now I feel this is a chance for me to kill two birds with a stone. I will love to book a place for her to visit Greece for this yoga retreat. Are there any more information I’ll need to know with regards the period of the year it will be right?

    1. Virendra

      Hi Dane, anytime would be good to go to Greece ;). But if you are looking for nice weather and being able to swim, September and October are the best. From March until May is also a good time. From then on the tourist season begins and everything gets more expensive and busier.

  2. John

    Wow, I have not thought of travelling for a yoga retreat before even though I take yoga classes at the fitness centre. This is a very good idea for me and you have also brought up the good places I can travel toon Europe. I have been thinking of going to Spain and I think it’ll all just work out perfectly for me to go on this retreat. Thank your the good information.

    1. Virendra

      Hi John, 

      The retreat on Ibiza, Spain offers Vinyasa, Hatha and Ashtanga, so that means that you’ll probably get challenged in your physical abilities as well, which might be a good fit as you go to the gym! Enjoy the retreat and let me know how it was!

  3. Adyns68

    I would like to visit Montenegro and a yoga retreat can really be a good excuse for me. So, what is the program of the yoga retreat? Would I be allowed to visit the city? or are we staying in 24/7?

    And I think the best thing is that the retreat is also available during the winter season. That is a great plus for me to saty fit during winter because with the cold I tend to be very lazy to practice any kind of activity.


    1. Virendra

      Hi Adyns,

      Everything in the retreat is optional. The yoga is in the morning and in the evening there is meditation, so that leaves a lot of space during the afternoons to do some exploring! Let me know if you enjoyed Montenegro!

  4. FredEim88

    Yoga keep your body and mind in shape, and is absolutely a good idea when the world have an increasing pace. Love the idea to offer reviews of yoga retreats. Specially in Europe which has a lot to offer. And the idea on doing so in a budget is even better. Who can resist saving money and have a vacation in the same time? People who have vacation don’t take the time to truly relaxing. That’s why yoga resorts is an amazing idea.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Fred, thank you for your comment and I’m glad you enjoyed the reviews! I’ll be adding more soon, so keep an eye on the website!

  5. Henderson

    lol, you say we shouldn’t take our credit cards along. Actually, I wouldn’t think about that. When travelling on a budget it’s always advisable to follow the budget. This is a very good post that you have written here on the best places one can go on a budget for yoga retreats. I will consider going to one of this places for my next vacation. Nice post!

    1. Virendra

      Hi Henderson and thank you for your comment. I have to say that I would actually consider taking a credit card, but just in case of emergency. Put it somewhere where it’s not accessible and you won’t be using it ;). It’s good to have it around, for example if there is an emergency at home then you should have a credit card to book an instant flight back. Rental car companies almost always ask for credit cards as well for a deposit.

  6. Nina

    You have chosen great destinations in Europe for going on a Yoga Retreat. Are these offers still relevant at a time of limited international movement and socializing due to the virus?
    Thank you for also pointing out what you need to think about before planning a trip (research before you decide where to stay and eat, set your budget, and limit your credit card usage).

    1. Virendra

      Hi Nina, 

      I’ve just updated this article and its retreats. These centers are still open and they are looking forward to welcoming you. I do have to mention that it’s best to check out first if your country has opened its borders to travel to these countries though. Due to the virus, a lot of countries have their own special measurments, and it’s too much to write about every individual country, sadly. 

  7. Monique Charland

    Yoga is a topic that’s dear to me.  I’ve been taking Yoga classes and reaping the tremendous health benefits.
    This blog is a great one, and some pieces of advice are really invaluable:  like rent on a less known street or don’t use your credit card indiscriminately.

    The idea of a yoga retreat in Europe sounds really good to me.  I’ve been to Europe twice, and loved it each time.  I loved the people, and I loved the sights.  I’ve been to Italy, and my experience with Mediterranean cities includes a 6-week stay in Nice, France.

    This is something I’m really interested in.  It’s an excellent topic for those of us who are health-conscious and who like to travel.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Monique, great to hear that this topic is so dear to you! And great to read that you’ve been benefitting your yoga classes as well! Keep up your practice and reap even more healthy benefits :)!

  8. Lucas Moore

    Traveling without knowing the right place to go considering your budget can become frustrating especially when you spend above your earning power as a result. This is why i always advice my friends to take few minutes to research on available locations that can serve as retreat options considering their budget.

    Thanks a lot for the effort

    1. Virendra

      Hi Lucas, thank you for your comment here on this article. You’re doing a good job helping your friends do their research! Great job and keep it up!

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