I’ve already mentioned a lot of great recipes in my yogi breakfast article, which were some great recipes for adults. Kids on the other hand, well, they might not always like the things that we like. Therefore, I’ve twisted around some great recipes that all kids love and made them into a child-proof vegan breakfast! They are amazing to make on a Sunday morning, and your kid can even help you out, making it even more of a yogi mindful moment.

Letting your kids help out with cooking and baking is actually a great way to involve your kid in making the right choices. By letting them help out, they see the ingredients that you are using to cook with. Making that they might choose some healthier options in their adult lives as well. Just make sure that you don’t push them too much into healthy food when they are an adolescent, they will eat crisps and McDonalds. Let them try it, and pray that they will go for some better options in the future ;).

Easy Fluffy Vegan Pancakes

Today I felt a bit under the weather and that means that I’ll always be going for some comfort food. I love eating pancakes and I’ve had a lot of home-made recipes before. Today I felt that I’ve outdone myself and I didn’t even feel like sharing the whole batch of pancakes with others. And to be honest, I just had 4 small ones, so there wasn’t a lot to share anyway.

For this recipe, I’ve just used a couple of ingredients that are really easy to find and aren’t that expensive at all. Mostly when you look for vegan recipes, you’ll find that they use more expensive ingredients to substitute egg and milk. But let me tell you, you don’t have to get all those fancy things to cook something really delicious!

Ingredients (+- 6 Pancakes)

  • 1 Cup/125g of Flour (any kind of flour, go for spelt flour if your kid is allergic to gluten)
  • 2 Tablespoons of sugar (Coconut Palm Suger if you’d like to be a bit healthier)
  • 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 1 Cup/240ml of Milk (I used Unsugared Rice Milk)


Preparing these pancakes have never been easier. You don’t have to crack open the eggs, meaning that there won’t be a huge mess. And besides that, you just have to make sure that you put the dry ingredients (flour, sugar and baking powder) altogether first before adding the wet ingredients (milk and ACV).

When you’ve put everything together, you whip it all until you’ve got a smooth mixture in your bowl. The mixture doesn’t have to be too dense, but you want to experience a bit of elasticity in your batter. If it’s too running, you can add a bit more flour to the mixture. Make sure you pass the flour through a sieve this time to make sure you don’t have any lumps in the batter. If it’s too thick, you can add a bit more milk into the mixture.

When I started baking the pancakes I used vegetal margarine. Make sure that the skillet is really hot. When you drop the first spoon of mixture into it, you should hear it sizzling. My advice would be to pour about 1/4th of a cup per pancake. This way the pancakes aren’t too big, but not too small either.

Bake them on both sides until they are golden brown and serve them with some maple syrup, fruits, or whatever your beloved kid likes to eat!


Chia Pudding For Children

I’ve already mentioned something about chia seeds in this article. And I’ve shared some recipes as well. Of course, children might not really love the texture of this delicious pudding. Or they might, there’s only one way to find out and that’s with this easy childproof version of chia pudding!

Ingredients (for 1 Cup)

  • 1 Tablespoon of Chia Seed
  • 1/3 cup or 100ml of Milk (Coconut Milk is quite delicious but already has some flavor in it as well)
  • 1/2 Banana
  • (Vegan Chocolate)


This recipe you have to make overnight as the chia seeds have to be dissolved into the milk. They will absorb the milk and become more like pudding. You just have to put together the milk and the chia and let it rest in the fridge. If you’d like, and you’ve chosen unsweetened vegan milk, it might be good to add some Vanilla to it.


When you wake up in the morning it should be all done and you are ready to add some of the other products as well. To make it pretty and to involve your kid a little, you can cut the banana into fine slices (or thicker if you’d really like a lot of banana). After that, you take a bowl or a glass and start layering. You can start with a layer of banana, add a bit of the pudding and so on.

To finish it off, shave a bit of the chocolate and sprinkle it on top. If you are serving it for your kids and they aren’t lactose intolerant, please just go for a normal piece of chocolate. Kids, in general, don’t really like bitter foods, so let them be a kid and let them enjoy a little bit of the great taste of chocolate.

Vegan Breakfast Smoothie For Kids

Smoothies, in general, are a great way to quickly get an intake of vitamins and they are even better for your time management. However, on a Sunday morning it might also be a great way to get your kid to help you out in the kitchen with an easy smoothie.

Ingredients (2 Cups)

It was so good I couldn’t control myself while I was writing this article!
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/2 Cup of Strawberries
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 1 Pear
  • 1/4 Cup of Vegan Milk


Preparing a vegan smoothie is very easy of course. You just have to put all the ingredients together in a blender and then mix it all up into a smooth mixture. Of course, if you’d like to make it into an activity with your kids, you can let them help you cut the fruits. Bananas and Strawberries are very easy to cut with a children’s knife, making it into a fun thing to do with your toddlers. And they will love it as well of course.

If you want to make it for yourself, it would also be nice to add a bit of ginger. This is going to give some extra kick to the smoothie.


These were a couple of easy recipes that you can make together with your kid and are actually very suitable for them as well. They are healthy, but at the same time, they have this mild sweet flavor that all children love! Therefore, put aside all of those crazy ingredients like flax seeds for your kid as they will think it’s strange and maybe don’t even like it at all.

These options here are also gluten-free and lactose-free, which means that anyone with an allergy can still enjoy the sweetness within their breakfast!

Nama-stay wonderful!

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