I’m quite a big fan of Portugal. I came here a couple of years ago and I lost my heart to the local nature, the people and the culture. Portuguese people are quite relaxed and very friendly. Although, the language at times may sound a bit harsh and unkind. But that’s just the language, deep in their heart the Portuguese are nice people. Besides that, Portugal has a lot of great nature as well, and for me, the most beautiful beaches that I’ve ever seen in Europe.

surf and yoga

It’s not a surprise that Portugal is attracting more and more people into its country. And luckily, there is a big alternative community that is trying to preserve the nature that Portugal is known for. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to mention some eco retreats in Portugal that are not only great for the budget, but they will also replenish you and teach you a thing or two about ecology as well.

If you’d like to know more about how to travel ecologically, be sure to read my previous article where I’ve talked a bit about ecology.

Best Time to Travel to Portugal

Portugal is great to visit all year round. It just depends on what kind of temperatures you can handle. It also depends on which area you are traveling to, as the north is very different than the south! In the North, it rains more often for example. So if you don’t like the rain, it’s best to avoid it during the winter and spring months. 

The south can be very hot in the summer, so if you don’t like really hot and dry air, better avoid the south during July and August.

Besides that, it hardly rains from May up until October. So, a piece of advice, probably the best months to visit Portugal are May and June, and September and October. It’s not too hot, not too cold, and it’s not wet at all!


Cachopas (Prices start at US$ 567)

Odeceixe is a stunning place and with a gorgeous beach. The river Ceixe runs into the ocean here and it’s providing a very nice contrast. The waves on the west coast can be tricky, so it’s not always children friendly. However, because of the river, you have the option to take a dip in the ocean or the river. It’s your choice.

This small little place is also known for the surfers that are coming here, so during your retreat, you can also decide if you’d like to have a surf session during your stay. 

The place, Cachopas – Yoga Nature Lodge is trying to keep their spot ecological by making sure that they use as many local products as they can. They also have their biological garden, which means that you’ll be eating organically. The eggs they’re getting are from their own chickens but don’t be worried as there are also great vegan options.

organic food yoga retreat

Besides two daily yoga sessions, you’ll have plenty of time to relax and retreat yourself into the nature of Odeceixe. Therefore it’s great to combine with some surfing classes. Or if surfing is not your thing, you can just walk around into town and get a tan on the beach.

There is a maximum of 8 participants on this retreat. Which makes it quite an intimate retreat. You’ll be getting plenty of attention for your own personal development. And you can have deep conversations with the other participants.

Anyway, check it out yourself if you don’t believe how great this eco-retreat is going to be.

Travel ecologically and check out if it’s possible to get there by bus or train. Odeceixe is by bus easily reachable from Lisbon and other cities in the Algarve (like Lagos). Here is a tool to make your travel as cheap and ecologically as possible. Read also this article if you’d like to know more about ecological traveling.


Yoga Retreat Portugal (Prices start at US$ 553)

The next one is more in central Portugal, near Coimbra. As a city itself, Coimbra is worth to visit as well. It’s the university city of Portugal, with the oldest university in the country. Before or after the retreat you can easily combine a trip to Coimbra.

yoga retreat coimbra

But now, the retreat itself. This yoga retreat will be held on a Quinta, which is a fancy word for saying farm in Portuguese. The owners are trying to live as self-sustainable as possible. To do this they have their vegetable garden, which is fully organic, they have their well, and they also use solar energy. They are very enthusiastic about everything they have, so if you have any ideas to improve your own home with any self-sustainable energy or food, be sure to ask them for more information.

You’ll be getting two sessions per day, and your yoga teacher, Tony Speirs, has been certified by some great names and is schooled in Ashtanga yoga. Therefore, you’ll be getting some powerful yoga sessions. But besides that, you’ll be getting a lot of free time as well to relax. In the beautiful nature of this place, you can also decide to create your meditation practice to give it a kickstart for when you are going back home. 

The price itself for a 7-day retreat is also very great, especially if you see what you’ll be getting in return.

Check out more about this retreat right here!


Golden Waves Surf Lodge (Prices start at US$ 430)

For this price and for what you’ll be getting I can easily say that this one is a great budget yoga retreat. Not only won’t it break year bank, but this also means that you’ll be preparing your meals. However, if you’re lucky and you’re in the company of a very nice group, you’ll see that you’ll be getting help, or that you’ll be cooking for each other. Which means that you’ll only have to cook one or two times during your retreat.

Besides that, you’ll be getting a lot of yoga classes within the vinyasa and yin style. This is a great mix of some very energetic and relaxing yoga. 

The ecological part of this retreat is not to be found within the food, as you’ll have to take care of that yourself, but within the materials how they constructed the lodge. They’ve used warm wood while building their retreat center.

As you’ll be getting a lot of free time, and you are close to the beach, there are a lot of opportunities to pick up your surfing as well. The beaches on the west coast have the best waves in Portugal. If you’re not a surfer, you can also enjoy the beautiful nature or the Portuguese gastronomy.

Check out more about this retreat, right here!


Corc Yoga (Prices start at US$ 3.500)

Alright, you looked at the price and you’ll probably say already that it’s quite steep. And I do agree on that with you. However, if you want to know more about cork, then this retreat near Evora is the most ideal place. Not only that, but the center itself is stunning as well. 

Want more reasons why the prices are this high? Well, you’ll be staying in an eco wellness resort. Therefore, you don’t only pay for the prices, but also for all the luxury you’ll be bathing in. Therefore it’s not only an eco-retreat but also a great wellness retreat. 

cork yoga retreat

You’ll be starting your days with some Surya namaskar. And after a delightful breakfast, you’ll be going to the rooftop to have a morning yoga class with an amazing view.

In your retreat includes a lot more things, like a Corc Yoga mat. That’s already one item less that you need to take with you on the trip. You’ll also be visiting the historic center of Evora, and you’ll be learning more about the cork Oaks. I already know a lot about them as I’m living in the area as well, but I’ve decided not to spoil the fun for you ;).

Besides that, all the meals are coming right from the farm. Which is a bonus that you’ll be getting during your stay. It’s always amazing to see that the products that you’re using are coming right from the farm onto your plate.

Are you ready to receive your corc yoga mat? Click here for more information!


That’s it for now on Eco Yoga Retreats in Portugal. There are many more in this beautiful country, but sadly there isn’t a lot of time and space on this page to talk about them all. Portugal attracts more and more ecological communities, so I’ll be expecting more and more retreats coming up in this area of the world, so keep an eye out on all kinds of different activities. 

And before I forget, if you happen to go to one of these retreats, make sure to send an email and pass by my place as well! I’d love to hear what you thought of the yoga retreat that you went to!

Nama-stay wonderful!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dan

    Hi Virendra,

    Thanks for the great post. I’ve always wanted to travel to Portugal and have recently gotten into yoga so it seems like it would be a great trip for me to make at some point! It looks like such a beautiful country from your pictures. I like the affordable options you included as well! I am going to put this on my future places I want to visit board and hopefully get there at some point! Thanks again.

    1. Virendra

      Thanks Dan for your comment! Enjoy your trip and hope to see you here again with some great experience of your trip!

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