Yoga and massage, what more do you need to get yourself a great and relaxing holiday? Alright, you can sit somewhere at a beach with a cocktail, but if you’d really like to be conscious and aware, and you’d like to work a bit on yourself, then these holidays will be something for you!

Within this article, I’m going to talk about retreats that have incorporated massage within their package. I got quite sick of always going on holiday and paying an extra 60 dollars for a one hour massage. Within these packages, you won’t have that additional cost as the massages are included! How wonderful is that? I picked out one retreat per continent, just so you have some options :).

Budget Yoga And Massage Retreat Nepal

Umbrella Healing Center (Prices start from US$ 350)

I’m still amazed by the price of this retreat, as it’s as low as US$ 350! Normally you’d get a package like this for a three-day retreat, but this one will last for 8 days! I still don’t know how they do it and they are probably worth a lot more than this. Anyway, if you are traveling on a budget, then this retreat might definitely be something for you!

The retreat will take place in Pokhara, probably one of the better-known places in Nepal. It’s quite a nice city, but getting very tourist orientated. Just like any other city in the world basically ;). Nevertheless, it’s a stunning city, with a big river, surrounded by mountains and quite some nature.

As this one is a city retreat, it might be a bit different than other retreats. When you are in a city, it’s a bit harder to really focus completely on yourself as you’ll want to do a lot of things. Therefore, make sure that you don’t forget why you are there and focus on that as well. Give yourself some time during the day to relax and unwind and put some time aside to do other fun things!

If you’d like to know more about this retreat, click here.

Yoga And Massage Retreat in Portugal

Chic Moove Studio (Prices start from US$ 646)

Alright, you must know by now that I’m a sucker for Portugal… This retreat is as well in a city. Chic Moove Studio will take place in Cascais, which is really near to Lisbon. The thing about city retreats is that it’s easy to get there as they don’t ask for a lot of additional ways of transport. Cascais is easily do-able within one hour from Lisbon Airport.

The retreat itself will be 5 days long and there are two types of massages included. One will be a Thai Yoga Massage. This is said to be yoga for the lazy people as the massage therapist will put you in poses and will make sure that you go really deep. I think it’s a great way to gain a deeper practice in addition to your regular yoga routine.

The other one will be a nice and relaxing massage. Which might also be good for all the yoga that you’ll be doing. A Thai Yoga massage is more focused on the body part of it while a relaxing massage is focused on, as the word itself says already, relaxation.

Another great thing about this retreat is that for the lowest available price, you’ll be getting a private room. Mostly when you look for budget retreats you’ll find that the lowest price often is the shared accommodation option.

For more information about this retreat, click here.

Yoga And Massage Retreat South Africa

Magalies Mountain Lodge (Prices start from US$ 935)

I’ve told you a lot already about some great yoga places and restaurants in the Pretoria area in SA. Now I’m glad to say to you that there is even a great yoga and massage retreat in Pretoria. Well, not really in the city center, but on the outskirts of the city.

What they have to offer is absolutely amazing for what the total price they are asking. Besides the daily yoga, you’ll also be offered 6 25-minutes spa-treatments and 3 full body massages.

In the afternoon you’ll be getting some free time off, making that you could go on excursions in the beautiful area. As the retreat is quite close to Pretoria, you can decide whether you go into the city or you can stay in the area and go on a hike. You’ve got the best of both worlds.

The retreat is high on demand as the price and the whole package is so good! Be sure to check it out!

Yoga And Massage Retreat USA

420 Yoga retreats (Prices start from US$ 1.950)

Alright, this retreat is for all the cannabis lovers out there. During this retreat, you’ll be going on a romantic weekend with your partner. The retreat is designed for two people and will last for three days. Hence the fact that the price is a bit higher. There will also be cannabis envolved, but not in the way that it’s just for fun, you’ll actually be going deeper while you are under the influence, just to break down all walls.

The retreat itself will be taking place in Manitou Springs, Colorado. There you’ll be staying in a mansion that will accommodate your stay there. You’ll be getting a room together with your partner and they’ll make sure there are a lot of couples sessions involved as well!

Are you ready to get a deeper connection with your partner? Enroll here!

Yoga And Massage Retreat New-Zealand

Bay of Islands Health Retreat (Prices start from US$ 635)

During this retreat, you’ll be staying in a luxury accommodation with a solar heated pool! This means of course that the best time to go is during spring or fall when the sun is still radiating some heat.

The owners try to tailor to every kind of food wishes you’d have. They are good at what they do and they truly want to offer you a holistic experience, meaning that they want to offer you guidance with whatever diet you’d like to follow.

And besides that, you can design your own retreat, choosing what you’d like to focus on! The retreat is focusing on quality, which means that there are limited rooms available, which makes it easy to grant you all your wishes. And that’s what they are aiming for!

Click here if you’d like to know more!

Yoga And Massage Retreat Costa Rica

Essence Arenal Wellness Center (Prices start from US$ 798)

And then, last but not least, a great retreat in the middle of Costa Rica. This retreat is located next to a lake, so make sure to bring your swimsuit to go for a dip in the amazing Laguna de Arenal!

Within this retreat, you can decide whether you go for the detox option. Meaning that instead of 3 meals per day, you’ll be going for 6 juices per day. This will be great for people who are looking for a complete body detox.

Together with a 60-minute massage, a mud wrap, and many other activities, you’ll be granted a full body detox in the rainforest of Costa Rica.

The retreat center has a great organic farm and a lot of their food will be produced from this garden. Which is amazing for all the permaculture lovers out there. You’ll be knowing where your food came from and it will be prepared with great care!

Are you ready to discover the lush nature in Costa Rica?


That’s about it for our yoga and massage retreats, I’m sure there must be something that really appealed to you! If not, let me know and I will have a look if I can find something that is great for you.

What is your favorite one?

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Patrick

    Yoga And Massage Retreat in Portugal
    Chic Moove Studio (Prices start from US$ 646)

    i’m interested in this massage according to you the Thai massage is for lazy people and I think I’m one of them. Lol

    I would really love to know more about this one in particular because I’m thinking of a vacation over there and would be great to take the family to this spot also. Thank you 

    1. Virendra

      Hi Patrick, there’s a lot information already on the page itself, so if you have any specific questions, please ask away as it is quite hard now to tell more after all of the information that I’ve provided šŸ™‚

  2. Ola

    Hello Virendra,

    what a great topic. This article really got me dreaming and thinking seriously about my next holiday. 

    All of your options sound fantastic. I think If I had to choose I’d go for the Yoga and Massage Retreat in Costa Rica. I think this kind of experience has to go in tune with a nature. The video has convinced me a little bit more aswell šŸ˜‰

    I’ve has some friends who went to some Yoga retreats in Bali and they had great experiences. I think over there it might be even a little more cheaper as the country itself is much more affordable. Some people even say that it’s a capital for Yoga retreats. 

    I hope one day I’ll get to try it myself. Thank you for the inspiration šŸ˜‰


    1. Virendra

      Hi Ola, Bali is cheap and it’s a very spiritual country, if it’s the capital of yoga retreats I’m not sure. I think it might be a neck and neck race with Costa Rica. Both countries aren’t that expensive and have some great nature to offer which makes it hard to decide :). 

  3. Julius

    Thank you very much for sharing this article. I found it very helpful for everyone interested in yoga, meditation, and travelling. The offers look amazing. Especially the first one, that is just an unbelievable price. Do you know if it is coming with the flight? I do agree with you, that if you go on standard holiday, you normally have to pay way more for standard massage, so these options, you mentioned are definitely offering much more value and are costly coming on the approximately same level. I love your website, with your map of the retreats as well, so you can be aware that you earned a new fan.

    Very well done. 

    1. Virendra

      Hi Julius, the retreat doesn’t include a flight. It’s actually very rare to see that a flight is included within your stay as they are just accommodation and not a full package that tour operators would offer you. Thank you for your comment, I always like to read some website for the website as well!

  4. Sonny

    I smiled when I read nama-stay at the bottom 😊 I was truly enamored reading your article. The first time I heard about healing retreats was when I watched it on Discovery Channel many years ago and I thought it was fascinating. Yoga wasn’t as popular then, I think Pilates was all the rage. So apparently, the Umbrella Healing Center is the best bang for your buck. It works out to be a little over $40 a day. I wonder if it includes food and accommodation? Even if it doesn’t, this is a really good deal.

    This is a great post. Thank you for writing it.


    1. Virendra

      Hi Sonny, thank you for your message! And yes the Umbrella healing center really is the best deal there is out there at the moment! And on top of that, it’s also fully catered!

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