Ayurveda and Yoga often go hand in hand. This is because of the similarities between Yogic Science and Ayurvedic Science.

And they are a nice addition to each other. Yoga begins where Ayurveda stops, and vice versa.

While yoga often focuses on the body and mind, Ayurveda concentrates on what you feed your body and mind. So, while Ayurveda is a lot about eating the right foods, Yoga is about doing the right movements. But all to make sure we keep ourselves healthy.

This makes it quite obvious that there are quite a lot of retreats that are focused on yoga and ayurveda.

However, they are often quite expensive. That’s why I made a selection for you. The next retreats are quite cheap, for what they offer. So make sure to check them out!

And after reading the article, if you have any questions, make sure you ask them in the comment section down below!

Ayurvedic Yoga Retreat Marrakech

Salama Ayurveda
Prices start from US$ 857
Available All-Year-Round

This retreat isn’t your typical Ayurvedic yoga retreat. The retreat leader Khalid Boukhima has combined Ayurveda with Oriental medicine. Which he says are very similar to each other.

These influences you’ll find back in your food and your treatments. Which are actually all included.

Well, don’t expect a massage every single hour, of course. For a full list of what sessions are available you should take a look in the link down below.

The retreat itself will last for 6 days and 5 nights. And there are a lot of things included within this price.

So if you do think this price is a bit too much for a budget retreat, please be aware that you are going on wellness retreat. They are in general a bit more expensive. Often these retreats get booked for over a thousand of dollars!

The accommodation where you’ll be staying is probably what you’d expect of a typical Moroccan house in the country side. Which has its ups and downs of course.

One thing people kept on mentioning is the lack of heat in the winter times.

Which is also a bit to be expected. People used to sleep under a lot of blankets or just in one room as central heating in these areas just don’t exist.

Now that you know, you are aware that you should probably bring some extra clothing during your stay (if you are planning to go in the winter).

Ayurveda and yoga retreat in sintra

Prices start from US$ 800
Multiple Dates Available All-Year-Round

No too far away from Morocco, you’ll find this retreat. Sintra is a beautiful place in Portugal which possesses a lot of (hidden) spiritual powers! Just for this reason it would already be a blast to go here and be in this area. But you are here to talk about a retreat! So that’s what we’ll do!

This retreat has quite some things to offer. All meals are included at this retreat and especially the dinners are focused on Ayurvedic food.

Besides that, you’ll be getting a yoga session every evening. And in the morning it depends a little bit. You’ll get a morning session every day, of course, but they differ. It can be a pranayama session, or a meditation, etc.

another great addition, you’ll be getting 2 massages and an ayurvedic treatment!

The reviews on this retreat are really amazing! People really love coming here and very often you read that they just wanted to stay a longer time. Any negative criticism is very small and nit-picky. Nothing bad really, just small little things to improve even more.

Sivananda Yoga Retreat Bahamas

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Bahamas
Prices start from US$ 800
Dates available All-Year-Round

Alright, this one will take place in an Ashram. Meaning that this isn’t the most Ayurvedic retreat, but their food is all about finding the balance inside your body. As this is a yoga ashram, and they are there to support your yoga practice. Which can only be done if you are embracing the holistic approach.

This retreat is on The Bahamas, so expect good weather almost all-year-round. So, it doesn’t really matter which time of year you’ll be going.

Normally an ashram is quite strict when it comes down to a steady program, but this one looks a little bit looser. Not that there isn’t a program, but very often in an ashram there’s a steady bed time.

They do mention that to support to others, it’s recommended to be silent from 10 PM on. Especially because the program starts early in the morning.

But I can imagine that you’ll be able to find a place where you won’t disturb anyone with a bit of talking.

The price is quite alright for the things they offer you. Although, it also has to be said that there are many types of accommodation.

The more comfort and luxury you want, the more expensive it will be. And it can go up to a couple of thousands of dollars. So, it can get pricey if you are looking for a complete deluxe program. Make sure you check the prices before booking.

And also, an Ashram is more or less a sacred space. Therefore, they are more strict when it comes down to alcohol or other substances. Just leave it all at home. Unless it’s medical, then maybe you can ask them before arrival if it’s alright. But even tobacco isn’t allowed on the premises.


That was it again for another article. It was a blast writing this one and I hope there’s something in it for you!

If not, please let me know in the comment section down below! I’m always open to find the perfect yoga retreat for you!

If you did find the retreat that fits you. Don’t hesitate to let us know how your experience was!

These retreats are available all year round, so make sure you tell others about your trip.

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. vrobson3650

    Love this!  I have always wanted to go on a yoga retreat.  I’m no expert at yoga, more of a dabbler but i understand the health benefits of it.  Ayurverdic practices have always interested me.  The idea of going away and spending a week having some ‘me’ time is so appealing. Its great to see that they offer dates all year round. 

    1. Virendra

      Hi Vrobson,

      Thank you for your comment. It’s nice to hear that you are a fan of some me-time and I’m rooting you’ll be able to go on some me-time very soon!

      much love,


  2. Aly

    Wow, it’s wonderful to see these ayurveda and yoga retreats all around the world. I know some friends who have had amazing experiences by traveling to a yoga retreat abroad. Thanks for the important tips about heat and blankets in the winter for select locations. A cold night environment could make for a more challenging process to reach your personal goals. 

    1. Virendra

      Hi Aly,

      Thank you for your comment. And thank you for the feedback about the tips that I’m also giving. Especially the one about the blankets in Morocco. Many people assume that Morocco is a warm dessert country, and aren’t aware that they actually get really cold nights. So better dress for that occasion!

  3. Steve

    Hi Virendra – I find yin yoga to be quite a bit more difficult than it looks.  As I started in my late 50s (about 20 years ago), the dragon pose was actually quite draining, and I sometimes went into a sort of shock.  Holding with music can help, but I learned to back off, despite instructions, from some of the burns!  

    On the other hand, over time, we can go back to that same pose and find more staying power is possible.  The rest of the site seems to support a yin outlook, which is far more my type of yoga, so I found this to be a very happy place!  And I enjoyed the pictures of those recipes, started to get hungry!

    Thanks for your work on this, I have bookmarked for future –


    1. Virendra

      Hi Steve,

      Thank you for your comment! I’m glad you are liking the website and the articles. Even though it might seem that I’m more approachable to yin yoga, I actually do also Hatha and Vinyasa. There’s basically a yoga practice for any time of the day :).

      But I do understand what you have to say about yin yoga. A lot of people think it’s the laziest style, but it actually goes really deep. Then again, I also wouldn’t recommend this style to people who have an overly active mind. Not in the beginning at least. Music can help to stay in the position, but in the end it’s the goal to go into complete silence and take the leap inward.

      I do support a little music, but we also have to be aware that music might also distract us from our own reflections that we really need to make.

      Have a great yoga practice and hope to hear from you soon again steve!

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