It’s starting to become a habit since I’ve started this website: the Yoga Christmas Special! We’re at the end of November now and it might be good to take a look at those retreats that might awake the Christmas yoga bug!

I’ve already explained in my previous Christmas articles, why it would be a very good idea to check in at a retreat centre for the Holidays. Feel free to read that article as well, as there might still be some options available there too.

But now, let’s have a look at some exciting, but not too crazy yoga retreats during the holidays!

#1 Yin Yoga Christmas Special in The netherlands

Fit Body Mind
Prices start from € 535
December 24th – 28th

This one is a bit closer to home for me. In an area that I’ve lived for a couple of years myself: Zeeland. And no, we can’t confuse it here with New Zealand. They’re both on the opposite end of each other.

This Zeeland you can find in the Netherlands, and for me it’s the most beautiful providence that the Netherlands has to offer. There aren’t so many cities and the bigger cities are more of bigger towns. But that doesn’t take away the charm.

Even if you don’t decide to go on this retreat, I can still highly recommend going to Zeeland for your holidays.

But you’ve come to this article to read about the retreat and not so much about the area. Even though it’s also good to know more about your surroundings of course.

This retreat will take place for five days and starts on Christmas eve! You will start the evening with a yoga session before you can join the dining table. Don’t worry that’s not all that will be happening that evening, but what’s going to happen is still a surprise!

On Christmas day you’ll also be getting some yoga. Dieke will construct for you three classes! A lot of these classes will be over 90 minutes long, so you really get your money’s worth!

The rest of the week will be kind of similar. Except that there won’t be Christmas dinners anymore of course!

The only little downside that I have to mention is that the prices mentioned above is for your own tent. If you are a real die-hard, you might like this option, but I really don’t recommend you go into a tent in the Netherlands during the Holiday period. It’s going to be freezing cold. 

There are many other options, for which you pay an extra fee. So make sure you check it out!

Other amenities on the property are a wellness center that is included into the price, an outside pool and many more. And if you don’t like those, you can also go for a hike on the beach during your time off!

The page below is only written in Dutch, but I’ve tried translating most of it into this tiny little review. If you have questions, Dieke will be available to answer them for sure! No stress!

#2 New Year Retreat South France

Prices start from € 699
From December 29th – January 2nd

This retreat was divided into two, but unfortunately for us the Christmas retreat is already completely fully booked! But luckily, there is still a New Year’s retreat! Which might be even more fun to do! And gives you some extra time with your family at Christmas.

This retreat will take place in the South of France. The cottage is located on the trail to Santiago de Compostela. This makes it ideal to go for little hikes. Which is actually also included in the schedule. 

This retreat isn’t so much focused on yoga, but on any kind of replenishing technique to revitalize your soul. Just to make sure that you start the New Year with a new breath.

Most of the meals are included with the price except for the dinner at New Years Eve. This will be spend in a local restaurant. For many local chefs it’s been hard to keep their head above the water, so they can use a little bit of revenue. 

#3 Christmas and New years yoga retreat in the tyrolean alps

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Retreat House
Prices start from € 41 per night per person
From December 23rd – January 6th

Alright, this is going to be a bit more special. As it’s not so easy to explain what will happen in this place. Don’t worry it’s not a sect or anything like that. It’s just a more open form of a retreat place. So, if you don’t feel like going for two weeks, you don’t have to! Which might already come as a relief to you.

This retreat definitely might be for the more serious yoga students among us. Because there are many yoga sessions you can attend each day. Going up to 7 sessions a day. Of course, they aren’t all yoga, there are also lectures and meditations. Which is why I said it might be for the more dedicated yogi.

Don’t let this stop you of course, what’s also nice about their program is that you pay whatever you want to pay. If there are two or three days that you’d like to participate you pay per each day of activities. And the accommodation and meals you pay separate.

This makes it also accecible for those who might not have the money to attend the entire period. To give you an example. If you just book your stay with food included, it will be 41 euro per night. Every day you’d like to add the activities you pay an extra 59 or 54 euro. 

And that’s where it gets a bit hard to explain as these prices are for staying in a dorm for more than 5 nights. While you pay 54 euros per day of activities if you stay longer than 7 days. So, I’m not going to get any deeper into the prices anymore, you can make a selection for your own personalized retreat if you’d like.

Also good to know is that the minimum stay is 2 nights, although they recommend you stay a minimum of 5. 

The activities themselves have a wide range of interests. Going from carolling on Christmas eve as a meditation, to becoming fit with yoga asanas. There are 14 days filled with many activities, so I impossibly can’t explain them all here. But as usual, there will be a link down below you can have a look at.


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