It looks like the world is getting smaller every second, more and more we can go wherever we want and whenever we want. Therefore, there are a couple of apps on the market that are great to have when you have a busy travel life. These will be focused on the yoga and meditation world, to make sure that you are getting your practices or your zen when you are on the road.

I’ve used these applications myself already and I’ve always found them very helpful when I was on the go. These apps are great to use on your phone when you want to visit classes, or when you’d like to meet some like-minded people.

apps for yoga

Yoga Apps

Of course, there are a lot of yoga apps these days and when you are browsing the app store or the play store you’ll find an abundance of them. These are not all as good as you’d hope, so sometimes it can take a lot of time to find those that are a good fit for you.

I’ve stopped downloading apps that are promising free classes or meditations, as at a certain point they will askapps for meditation you for money. There’s hardly any spot that doesn’t provide free wifi these days, so it’s easy enough to go on youtube and watch your favorite yoga channel.

Within this article, I’m going to focus on apps that are going to be great when you are traveling. So, they are more about organizing your trip, rather than an app that breaks down every two minutes as it hasn’t been coded properly.

Have fun with them, and let me know which one I forgot to mention here on this list!


The first one is my ultimate favorite. The Mind Body fitness app is stunning when you’d like to go for a yoga class on your trip. I’ve used this app a lot on my travels as you’re not always aware of what’s going on in the area. Of course, you can go on Google and you’ll spend quite some time finding some good classes near you. That’s why the Mind Body app comes in perfectly, every yoga studio that has a subscription with them has a spot on the list, so you can easily find a class near you.

apps for workout sessions

Besides yoga classes, you’ll find many more things in the app. If you are used to working out regularly and you don’t want to quit your practice while you are away, you can easily schedule a class for practically whatever you’d like!

And that’s not all, if you are city tripping and your legs are feeling a bit too tired, you can even schedule some wellness. This app makes it easy to plan your trip the way that you want it.

app for scheduling hairdresserThe weird thing is, though, that they’ve also started to include hairdressers, nail studios, and other beautiful things. Of course, it might be that because I’m a guy, that I find it strange to schedule this into my trip. However, it also feels a bit that they are looking for more income by including more categories. If so, I think it might be good to change their name and maybe include even more categories to schedule from.

One thing that I don’t like about the app, is that the location tracker doesn’t work properly. I’m based in Europe, however, when I want to look before my travel into which classed I’d like to book, there is no option for that. If you’re using it in the USA it isn’t such a problem as all locations are included within the search bar.

The app itself is completely free for you, so you can easily make an account and just start browsing the moment that you’ve landed in the city that you are visiting. Booking is easy as well, you just click to book a class and are done! And the best part is when you are in a new city, and you’re going to a studio you’ve never been to before, a lot of studios offer a special price for first-time students! Just make sure that you pick the right option in the app if this should be the case.

Asana Rebel

With this one, I’ve got a bit of a hate/love relationship, but I can imagine that for other people it will be a great app to use. It has a lot to offer. Going from meditation videos to even a daily question about health.

The thing I don’t like about this app that it’s too focused on fitness and health. While for me yoga is much more than that. So it’s not that great if you are doing some soul searching, but it has amazing videos on it that are usable for your yoga practice.

apps for workout sessions

With this app comes a monthly subscription. And I’m not gonna mention the prices here as they might differ from your local currency. It isn’t too expensive though. So it might fit into your monthly budget.

Besides that, the app also tracks your progress daily. So if you’re planning on keeping a journal, this might be quite suitable for you as well.

detox aid sportsThis app is great for those who are looking more for a workout than those who are looking for some peace and silence in their life. Asana Rebel does offer some meditation-videos, however, there aren’t that many and the focus is on keeping yourself fit. The yoga videos themselves are a workout on their own, so if you’d like to do some power yoga, this is something for you.

They have an overall package as there are also a lot of food tips in the app available as well. If you are looking for some great recipes or inspiration about food, they have this as well. Ever tried a healthy cucumber and avocado soup? I haven’t yet, but I’m willing to give it a go soon!

Daily Mudras

Another app that I like to use, and especially when you are on the go, is Daily Mudras from CodeRay Technologies. It’s not possible to do your yoga practice when you are on the train, plane, or bus, so it might be good to exercise a bit with mudras. They are hand gestures that you can easily and subtly use together with your meditation.

app for mudra

You put your fingers in a certain kind of position, close your eyes and watch your breath. And that’s it! The science behind it is a bit different. Mudras are used for all kinds of things and they make use of acupressure. This means that within your fingers are some meridians or energy channels that you can stimulate by pressing them or massaging them.

Of course, there is more behind it, but this article doesn’t need a big explanation. You can decide to download the app for free and you’ll get the explanation there as well!

apps for mudrasThey have a wide range of mudras that you can use and the app itself is quite practical. I would like to see a bit more mudras though, but they might come in the future. Within all the different kinds of mudras, you’ll find the benefits and contraindications as well, so you won’t be practicing a mudra that’s doing worse than it’s doing any good for you.

Another great part about this app is that they work with donations. You don’t have to pay, but if you like them, you can decide to just make a one-time donation to keep their app free from advertising. Of course, if no-one ever donates, they’ll probably have to switch to a system that will bring them some income, hence they’ll have to advertise.

This app is just available for Android, so sorry iPhone users, but you can’t use this one just yet.

Insight Timer

apps for meditationThis app is by far the best meditation app there is! I’ve got it a couple of years now and it just never gets tired. I’ve even switched phones recently and the first app that I installed again was Insight Timer. It has a free library filled with guided meditations for you to enjoy. Not only that, but it’s also a bit of a social media platform, although, they probably could do a bit more around that part.

Insight Timer is a great app for practitioners all over the world. After you’ve done a meditation you can see who in your area just meditated as well and you can interact with them if you’d like. Knowing that a lot of people have joined you with your meditation benefits your practice too.

When there is a feeling of belonging together, it will make you focus more. You all have the same goal and although that you’ll be meditating on your own, knowing that someone out there is doing meditation as well makes you keep track of your process. Also, when you mostly have a personal private practice at home, it might be good to communicate with others if you’ve experienced something or if you have some questions.

apps for meditation

The community is there and I have to say that for me, it helped my practice a lot. I’ve joined a group of fellow meditators and because the platform itself isn’t great to chat with others, the group I’m part of made a WhatsApp group. This makes that outside of the app we are staying in touch regarding our progress and we even schedule meditations together.

Also, the app is looking better with every upgrade. I remember when I started using it, it was quite sturdy and sometimes not that nice to use. But they’ve improved a lot to make it more appealing. You can even download your favorite meditations if you’d like to practice offline. Which makes it great to take with you on a plane. Sadly, this is only available when you subscribe to the paid version.


These are four great apps that I’m using at the moment. I love using them and although it’s not always daily, they are great to use when you are traveling. These apps will make your travels a lot easier and more app for scheduling treatments relaxed. Just make sure that you won’t be using them while you are waiting to catch your plane or bus. It’s not gonna be such fun to see the bus leaving in front of your eyes because you had your eyes closed during your meditation.

Do you have any great travel stories that you’d like to share? Please let me know in the comment section down below! Also, I’m always looking for some great new yoga and meditation apps. You’ve got one, please let me know!

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Rose

    When I travelled to asia and i couldn’t  go to my classes I  used these applications myself  and I’ve always found them very helpful when I was on the go. These apps are great to use on your phone when you want to visit classes, or when you’d like to meet some like-minded that’s how I got my classes done  without been there physically really a good app you can’t afford to miss any class 

    1. Virendra

      Great to hear that you enjoyed some of these apps Rose šŸ™‚

  2. Jasmine

    Hey Virendra,

    Great article. I’ve been interested in getting into meditation, but I just don’t know exactly where to start. Like I’ll end up trying it for a few days, then end up giving up on it since it doesn’t feel like I’m doing it correctly. Which on of these apps would you suggest for beginners that are interested in learning how to meditate?

    1. Virendra

      Hi Jasmine, I would suggest you start using the Insight Timer app! They have great guided meditation for beginners! And be sure that you check out my silent meditation article as well, it will give you great insight too on how to meditate.

  3. Nick

    Hi Virendra,

    Just read your post on -Travel Apps for Yogis. It’s quite an eye-opener for me to know that so many useful apps for yoga are available for download. Also, the list of the apps you have compiled makes it easier to choose one. 

    I have a friend whose wife runs Yoga studio and I am not sure whether she is aware of these apps. I will share this post with her and I think she will like this.



    1. Virendra

      Hi Nick, the mindbody app is truly great for owners of yoga studios as well, they can easily let people book classes with their app so make sure that you pass it on to her, it might help her a lot!

  4. Wildecoll

    Everything has been made easy and mobile for the use of the public through the use of Internet and technology. Sometimes it can get really messy to be off classes and exercise trainings, this can be monitored and helped even in times when we are off grid by the use of mobile apps. Thanks for suggesting these apps, I personally will select one and download. 

  5. Jordan Smith

    Thanks a bunch for this post, I love the simplicity at which you write. I  have the insight timer app, I got it after a friend explained it’s use to me.  It  is very simple and straightforward app, which is exactly what I want and also expect from a meditation app.

    Thanks again. 


    1. Virendra

      Thank you, Jordan! Great to hear that you liked the article :). And enjoy your meditation on the go!

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