So, as you might know already, Arizona is quite a great state if you are looking for healing. This is because of a loooong line of native Americans walking the earth there.

For years and years, these inhabitants have been one with mother nature. Which creates an amazing energy.

Therefore, if you’d like to get a little bit of this healing energy, you might decide to go on a retreat in this amazing place.

These retreats are not just regular healing retreats. There are many activities that you

Yoga And Hike In The Grand Canyon

Bigger Life Adventures
Prices start from US$ 1.000
Various Dates Available

This retreat will be focused on being off-grid. During your stay, you’ll be sleeping in a wooden cabin. Showers and toilets will be outdoors. So, if you are looking for luxury, you better scroll down a little.

Although, I have to say that it is quite a wonderful retreat and it might be good to challenge yourself. Why don’t you come out of your comfort zone?

The retreat will only last for four days. After that you can still decide to go to Flagstaff or Sedona for a bit of luxury.

I’m saying this because there are quite some amazing things that they offer here.
You’ll be going on hikes in the Grand Canyon. Which has some amazing scenery for you.

However, if you aren’t sure if the hikes in the Grand Canyon are going to be something for you, they’ve got some other options too. You can hike to Sedona, or just walk around the edge of the Canyon.

It’s all up to you.

And if you aren’t that into hiking, there is also the possibility for some SUPing. Or go rock climbing with your guide Zach Minnich.

Now, what’s so healing about this? First of all, you’ll be disconnecting to the outside world for a bit. By going in yurts, you’ll be stripped from all the luxury you always are surrounded with. It sounds bad, but it’s good to go back to basic once in a while.

And on top of that, you’ll also be getting a one-on-one sessions of your choice. Make sure you contact the organizers for more information about this session, it can include many things.

The food is all included and the chef will even prepare it according to the Ayurvedic tradition. And as you might be aware already, within Ayurveda they look at food as a way of healing yourself as well.

And on top of that, you’ll be getting daily yoga sessions and breath work as well!

Are you ready for four days of introspection?


Retreat Grand Canyon
Picture by Bigger Life Adventures on

Horseback Riding Retreat Tubac

Prices start from US$ 1.085
March 24 – 28

What is more healing than walking and talking to horses?

At this ranch, you’ll be getting much more than just yoga! Although it’s also a big part of this retreat with two classes a day.

The ranch itself is already 90 years old and the owners keep that authentic feeling to it. Even though you’ll be getting all the modern amenities, you’ll be able to enjoy the rustic feeling of the olden days as well.

The area itself is secluded, making it ideal to go horseback riding. You and your horse will be going on one included trip in the desert. What better way to heal your soul with your fellow companion like this?

If you’d like to go horseback riding every single day, you can ask the organizer what the options are.

And if you’d like to sit out for the day, there’s also a heated pool available for you.

The meals, in general, won’t be vegetarian, but the option is there. So if you choose this retreat, make sure you tell them your wishes!

Picture by Do.Create.Be on

Empowerment Retreat Sedona

Yoga Inspirations
Prices start from US$ 1.780
April 16th – 20th

At this retreat Kundalini Yoga is central. If you are looking for a very spiritual yoga retreat, then this one is really something for you.

During this retreat you’ll be getting your daily yoga session, but in the evening this will be altered with some healing sessions. This can be a sound bath or a re-balance session.

This retreat will make sure that you get centered and that you receive the energy that you’ll need to accomplish your goals.

The hikes you’ll be doing aren’t just any regular hikes. They will be combined with some sacred ceremonies.

If you decide to go on this retreat, you’ll be getting a lot of spiritual experiences and this one is really something for the soul.

Yoga Retreat sedona
Picture by Yoga Inspirations on

Rejuvenating Retreat Scottsdale

Gold Dust Retreats
Prices start from US$ 1.328
Various Dates Available

So, if you want to spoil yourself, then you have to go to this retreat.

You can make your stay a lot cheaper by booking your hotel somewhere else. Although, if you want to enjoy all the amenities the place has to offer, you have to stay on the property.

And the latter is what I’d like to suggest. Especially if you have the means for it. Treat yourself nicely and enjoy some luxury at this retreat.

However, don’t expect to sit around and be lazy all day. Essential work for your healing process will be done!

There will be yoga of course, although, this is not the emphasis of this retreat. You’ll be getting workshops, a cooking session, meditations, ceremonies, etc. And this all in just three days.

This is what makes the price a bit higher. As you’ll be doing all the work in three days, which some organizers do in a week.

It might be good for you to do full days though, as you’ll be doing some really powerful work on yourself.

And I’d give you the advice to add a couple of extra days onto it. Just to make sure you can relax and let everything sink in again before heading home.

Picture by Gold Dust Retreats on

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