It’s been a while already since I’ve written my article about my favourite YouTube channels. Although the article is quite old already, it’s still up to date and I still stand with the choices that I’ve made there.

And I know, it might be weird as a yoga teacher myself to promote other teachers! I’m glad that there are people into recording and getting themselves out there. For me, unfortunately, it’s not so much my thing, I have videos, but I’d rather focus on my online classes

That said, I’ve been looking at some all-men YouTube channels that are focused solely on us male specimens! Of course, you ladies can also enjoy these channels, but regarding the title of this article, there might not be that many women drawn to it.. But still, feel welcome!

This yogi is at the moment one of my favourite ones. If he would have had a channel completely dedicated to men, he would definitely come on the first spot! However, his channel is quite general with a couple of classes for men included, but not too many.

He is absolutely a must to follow, whether you are a man or a woman. I always love doing his yoga on Inner Dimension TV if you really want full classes. 

However, he’s got a wide arrangement of videos on his channel. There’s power yoga, but there’s also yin yoga. Whatever you’re into this guy’s got it!

The videos are also looking really great and what I love about them is that there’s always a mixed audience too. I’ve even seen some people with curves participating! Which you really don’t see that often!

This guy I only discovered recently, and I’d love to share him with you!

The reason he’s reached the fourth spot and that he’s not up higher is merely because his videos are still quite amateurish. But that might be because he’s still growing and maybe doesn’t have a team behind him that helps him.

However, his yoga is absolutely amazing and has quite a wide variety. The reason why he earns a higher spot than Travis is that Sean has more videos that are dedicated to men!

Sean also offers a couple of styles, but the emphasis on his channel is really the fitness part, rather than the meditation part. Which is fine if that’s what you’re looking for. And if you want you can always add a beginning meditation before you start the video and add Savasana after!

#3 Yoga with tim

Yoga With Tim, where to begin…

This channel I find really amazing. However, it would’ve ranked higher if there were more variety of styles included. Tim specialised in workout sessions and his yoga practices can be quite strong and hard. Even I still struggle sometimes finishing his videos.

However, his videos always look really amazing! If you want to get the illusion that you are doing yoga in a different environment, then you can really look at his videos and dream away.

He has a couple of videos that are exclusive for men. So, not too many, but still enough to justify his spot in the third position!

His voice also is really amazing to listen to, he’s got this whole calm demeanour over him, which just suits his classes and transmits inner peace.

For the next two spots, I had a really hard time choosing! These two next channels are absolutely amazing and I love them both in their own way. 

I did decide though to put Breathe and Flow on the second spot. This because it’s an article about yoga channels for men, and this one is actually a shared one with this fella’s wife.

Bre and Flo have a shared account, which isn’t so bad because it widens their target audience of course! I do think because of a recent pregnancy, Bre made more videos than his partner, which isn’t all too bad. 

This gives that in the past months there were a lot more videos that were focused on men. But for the future, you can count on more videos from Bre as well.

The videos look absolutely stunning. I love them a lot, however, Flo’s yoga classes can be really intense. And I have to mention too that his accent on occasion is quite hard to understand.

#1 Man Flow Yoga

Let me just explain a bit why I had a tough time deciding on how should be on number one! 

I long time ago I ran into the channel of Man Flow Yoga. Dean is the owner and also the main instructor. His channel is completely focused on yoga for men, and this is what I was looking for!

However, this was the hard part about it, I’m not sure if I can really call it yoga, as there is no beginning meditation (breath work), nor is there an ending (Savasana). And within yoga, it’s really not done to skip yoga, because that differentiates doing yoga from doing exercises.

I did give him the first spot though and that’s like saying because he really only focuses on us men. But not just this, he also touches on certain subjects that I haven’t seen anyone do just yet! He tells you for example what to do with your testicles. He gives really great advice on these subjects which I’ve never seen before!

That’s why I put Dean on the first spot because he goes where nobody ever wanted to go on YouTube or Yoga. 

And his videos are really accessible! They aren’t too hard, but they’re just challenging enough. And on top of that, they’re also informative.

You can forgive him for his lack of Savasana and just add it yourself after the video!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Chris

    Excellent! Thanks a lot. I was looking for it and your selection is very interesting!
    I need to improve my english now, but this is another issue 🙂

    1. Virendra

      Thank you Chris, glad to hear that you found this interesting! And by watching these videos you’ll slowly start to improve your English too!

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