The next sequence I’ve kind of created out of nowhere. I came home after a crazy day of work and I thought just to do a little bit of yoga and just share it with others!

All the way down at the bottom you can have a look at the final result and tag along!

Why Yoga After Work

I often do my yoga sequence right when I come back from work. Just for a couple of reasons.

The first one is that when you come back from work, you can still be in that zone. You know, the zone where you are still with your head in the game. That moment you walk into your home, you might still think about that last email you wrote or that conversation you had with your boss.

Therefore, it’s alwasy good to have a sort of ritual after work.

This can be just a quick release by doing some yoga for example! And it’s much healthier than cracking open a bottle of wine.

Having this little ritual of doing yoga right after work will make you transition from your work, right into relaxation in the evening.

And the second reason that it’s great to do some yoga after work is because you’ll be having an empty stomach.

you’ve probably heard a couple of times already that it’s not that great to have a full stomach while you’re doing yoga.

Therefore, after work, your stomach will already be empty from your lunch, and you are still waiting to get your dinner ready!

For Who Is This Sequence

As I mentioned before, I just came up with this sequence for myself, just intuitively.

Although, after editing the video and rewatching it, I came to a couple of conclusions.

In this sequence there is a lot of legwork. So, this one is really amazing for people who have a standing job.

Alright, sedentary personal are also able to do this sequence of course. It’s just that people who are on the go the entire time might benefit from some Hatha after a busy day on their feet.

The asanas that are in this sequence are also really grounding Which makes them perfect if you can’t really let go of the day you had.

By grounding yourself you make sure that you get everything out of your mind and just continue with the rest of your day.

And on a final note, even though these asanas are good for the group mentioned above here, everyone can just do this sequence. It’s just that it’s ideal for this time of day.

Here It Goes

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for. Here is the video with a sequence for after work.

And of course, if you liked the video, please be sure to leave a like and subscribe!

And if you are looking for some private online yoga classes, remember that they are fairly priced and tailored to your needs!

And for now,

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nelson

    Thanks for this educating article on the importance and benefits of yoga after work. Yoga is a very relaxing exercise. I have gotten the chance to enjoy the benefits of yoga on very few occasions. And trust me, it was a great experience for me. This sequence you have created for yourself is very amazing, and I would love to request the permission to adopt this sequence and also share it with my friends and loved ones.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Nelson,

      Thank you for your comment! Of course you can share this with your friends and loved ones! Have a great Sunday and enjoy your yoga tomorrow after work ;).

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