If you’ve already done a YTT yourself, then you might know that this sometimes might not have been enough. Even for yoga teachers, it’s important to be schooled and trained.

The knowledge might not have changed over all these years, but a discipline that’s thousands of years old has a lot to talk about. So, in this article, I will discuss a couple of online Yoga Teacher Trainings that will give you some extra knowledge to pass on to your students!

And if you’ve not done your YTT yet, you can also participate in these and look at it like a very long yoga workshop ;). They will give you a lot of tools to deepen your practice and you don’t even have to teach.

Why Continuing Education?

It might look weird that Yoga Alliance is so keen on having you train more and more over the years. But it does make sense. In every job you always have trainings and workshops to attend over the years of your career. And the same goes with Yoga.

Yoga is who knows how old already and it used to be passed on from teacher to student, orally. And it must be said that this knowledge can already fill a library on its own. Therefore, you’ll never stop learning, not even as a yoga teacher.

And the great thing is that, even after the measurements of the COVID-19 are over, most of these courses offer a certification that can be registered at Yoga Alliance.

These hours, even though they all won’t count, a lot of them will be counted as continuing education. Which you’ll need if you’d like to keep registered at YA.

50-hour Teacher Trainings Online

50-Hour Shamanic Yoga Training Online Course

Chakana Yoga Center (Price: US$ 750)
June 15th – 19th 
June 29th – July 3rd

What’s really amazing about this course is that it combines Yoga with Shamanism. Not only will you be able to give your students the Indian knowledge about Yoga, but you’ll also be able to reach out to them with the great wisdom of Latin America. 

This course will give you a whole journey. And 50 hours will be enough to make sure you get all the tools that you will need. 

Of course, this is an online course, so things will go a bit differently than usual. But your teacher  Anthony Alcalde will make sure that the energies will be transmitted through your screen ;). 

These classes will all be live, so make sure that you have a stable internet connection and that you are more or less in the same timezone. The great thing about live classes is that you’ll be able to interact and ask questions, rather than having to look at a pre-recorded one (which also has its advantages, but we’ll talk about that later ;)).

50 hour shamanic yoga teacher training
Image by Chakan Yoga Center on BookRetreats.com

50-Hour Online Teacher Training, Teaching to Beginners and the Elderly

Mandala Studio Yoga & Spa (Price US$ 150)
Start Date: Every first day of the month

Even for an online course, I’ve never seen such a low price. 150 dollars isn’t really that much. Especially for what you’ll be getting. But what I liked most about this Teacher Training is that it’s focused on how to teach beginning yogi’s and older people.

Before we start talking about what the course includes, I want to expand a bit more about why they’ve picked this group. I’ve actually never seen in any course that they deeply talk about this subject. It’s been taken a bit for granted that yoga is for everyone and that probably everyone already took one class.

This is not the case though. There are still a lot of people who don’t have any experience yet, which makes it very interesting to learn about how you can teach them in such a way that it doesn’t affect your whole group, but that your new student also gets the support he’d need. Which will also increase the probability that he’ll stay.

And besides that you’ve also got the fact that older people are joining more and more classes. The anti-aging properties of yoga probably has something to do with this. However, what you’ve been taught in other trainings is the anatomy of a regular 30-something person. And sometimes it’s good to zoom in on a demographic that actually might experience some issues with their body.

Now, back to the course itself. For $150 you’ll be getting so many things that it’s insane not to take this course. For this price you’ll be getting 25 live sessions. And then there is even more documentation that you’ll have to do on your own. So, if you just look at the live sessions, when you do the math, it means that you just have to pay about 6 dollars per live session. Which is even less than going to your yoga class.

I really don’t know what else I could say about this course to be really honest, just click the button down here below for more information as I’m just blown away from this amazing offer.

8 Day Online Yoga Expert Certification

American Yoga Association, Istanbul Branch (US$308)
August 10th – 17th
September 14th – 21st
October 19th – 26th
November 9th – 16th

I do have to say that I’m a bit cautious with this teacher training. The American Yoga Association is also well-known, although not as known as Yoga Alliance. So, they are legit. I’m just afraid that 16 hours of learning yoga won’t actually be enough to be able to teach it.

However, if you are looking for a course that doesn’t take a lot of your time and you’d just like to deepen your practice, this course might be something for you. You only have to watch two hours of pre-recorded video’s a day and that’s it.

But the main reason why I actually included this one is because of its availability. You can watch the video’s whenever you’d like and that’s what so good about this one. Especially if you are looking at different time zones. If you are living in the states and the classes that are offered are on the other side of the world, it’s gonna be quite challenging to attend those.

I would see this course more as a continuing education course though, rather than an actual certification course to teach yoga. But that’s just my opinion.

online teacher training
Picture by American Yoga Association on BookRetreats.com

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