I’ve already talked a bit about some great alternative spiritual festivals in Europe, and in this article, we’re going to relocate ourselves to Northern America! Of course, you’ve got all the big festivals like Wanderlust and Burning Man, but there are actually some great smaller sized festivals across the whole Northern American continent.

These alternative spiritual festivals are great if you are looking to make some great connections. Smaller festivals are amazing for people who don’t really like the mainstream and that like something really different. Spiritual festivals, in general, are very diverse as the spectrum of spirituality is very wide, I hope you’ll enjoy the ones I picked out for you! And please let me know in the comments down below which alternative festival you’d like to attend!

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Shambala Music Festival – Salmo, BC, Canada

Let’s start off with a nice summer festival in Canada! It’s not that small as it’s been around for 23 years already, but it’s still a must for everybody who loves a bit of music. This festival is the Valhalla of alternative (electronic) music.

The festival itself will take place near a very small town called Salmo in Canada. It’s lying next to the Salmo River, which means that it would be a good thing to bring your swimming gear!

The main reason though why they ended up in my list of spiritual festivals is because of the fact that they also have daily yoga classes at the festival. And besides that, they try their best to be ecologically aware, meaning that you will have to read the guidelines to know what you can and can’t bring!

Here’s the after movie of 2019 for you to enjoy, just in case if you aren’t sure just yet if you’d like to go ;).



This festival, I just don’t know where to begin! It’s an amazing festival for everyone who’d like to be a bit more conscious about basically anything! They don’t just offer workshops on how te be more aware of the environment, but also about personal development, art, music, and many more!

This festival is a great way to get in touch with people if you are really looking to develop yourself more in a conscious way. There are so many workshops, with so many subjects that it’s almost impossible if there is nothing there for you to enjoy.

What I also liked about this festival is that they are so aware that they even do their best to accommodate people with a disability as well. This makes the festival accessible for just anyone!


The next website is actually more of a gathering of all kinds of pagan tribes. Here you can find all the information you need to know about festivals that are focused on paganism. If you are discovering the Wicca life, this might be a good opportunity for you to connect with like-minded people!

As the word itself says already, it’s a camp, rather than a festival. This means that you’ll be getting a lot of workshops and you’ll be taking part in a lot of rituals as well. These gatherings are more on a connecting kind of base as there won’t be hundreds of people involved, making it a great way to create a spiritual family!


This festival is truly completely something else. I’m not even sure if I could call it a festival, but it’s what the name itself says as well. This festival is for the philosophers among us. Or just for those who are interested in different cultures and religions.

It’s not just for the Christians, but it’s really for everyone, it’s for Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, etc. I’m sorry if I didn’t name your religion, but it is REALLY FOR EVERYONE. Within the festival they are creating a platform where everyone can talk about their beliefs and faith, to show that there are differences, and similarities, but most of all, that we don’t have to be afraid of that what we don’t know.

I’m sorry fellas, but this one is just for the ladies out there! What can you expect from it? Well, a lot of sacred rituals are passed on from all kinds of tribes. The instructors who are giving workshops are coming from all over the world to pass on their knowledge about feminity to you.

Not just that, but there will also be a lot of craftsmanship going on. You’ll be able to learn some new techniques like bookbinding, weaving, herbal medicine, etc. It’s a shame that I’m a man, as I would actually like to learn one of these skills as well!

Anyway, as I can’t really participate, there is not much to tell as I can’t truly know what it is all about. I just know that if I were a woman, I’d really like to go.

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