Your Yoga Teacher

So in my previous posts I've talked about which yoga style could be a better fit for you, which yoga mat, and more. Now it's the time to zoom in on yoga teachers and how to find the one that fits with you. I know, it looks like a lot to think about when you're starting with yoga, or even…

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What is the Yogi Life?

This morning I suddenly woke up with the realization that I've started creating a lot of blog posts already and that I kind of forgot to explain what the yogi life actually is! Which is quite weird as the blog is called: The Yogi Life For Me. I should've probably started out with it, but its never to late, I…

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Yoga Straps

So the next thing I'd like to talk about regarding yoga props that you could use is the yoga strap. In the previous article, we talked about what blocks are for and which one is suitable for you. This article is not gonna elaborate a lot about the usage of yoga straps, as there is not that much to talk…

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Yoga for Weight Loss?

In the years that I have been a yoga teacher I've heard many reasons why people wanted to start yoga. Some of them do yoga to become more flexible, to have more peace in your life, to get over a love, and many more! The one I would like to focus on today, and maybe in the future I'll cover…

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Yoga Mats Under $20

As a beginner it’s always quite hard to find the perfect mat that suits for you. The yoga hype is still growing and people are still finding their way to start a yogi life, for which I’m happy of course, but that also makes that more and more products are becoming available. A lot of companies are jumping in and…

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Yoga at Home/Online

Previously I've written something about people who don't like or who don't have the time to go to a yoga studio. In my case, there aren't any yoga studios nearby. I've moved to Portugal to a very remote area and there are hardly any studios in the area, or at least not a studio that I would like to go…

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Your First Yoga Class

Previously I've mentioned some good yoga mats already for beginners, but then it hit me that maybe it's also good to explain what you can expect from your first yoga class. It might be that some of you here might already have the idea to go to a yoga class and you might even have bought your first yoga mat…

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