If you’d like to up your yoga life, then you’ll find here everything you need!

3 Amazing Vegan Pancake Recipes for Any Occasion!

Oh dear, I do love my pancakes! And the nicest thing is that they really go with just anything. Although, as a Belgian, we do really like our pancakes sugary, rather than savory. Although, I'm starting to appreciate the combination of veggies with the pancake batter. But the best part of it all is that it's soooo easy to make.…

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4 Great Asanas To Open Up Your Shoulders + Free Video

In our life we accumulate a lot of weight on our shoulders. Meaning that every time we gather some emotional baggage, very often it will be put on top of our shoulders (this is metaphorical of course). If you'd like to get a bit of release in your shoulders, then you'll find 5 amazing asanas that will help you to…

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Prevent Back Pain With These Adjustments During Yoga + Free Video

We all know that yoga is good to prevent a multitude of issues. But what when you already have some problems going on? These days classes are getting bigger and bigger and yoga teachers have to deal with the fact that they can't focus on everyone in their class. That said, it's always easy to talk about some easy adjustments…

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Great Night-Time Yin Yoga Sequence and Free Video

In my article about timing and yoga, I've talked about that fact that Yin-Yoga might be better to practice in the evening. I found it was about time to practice what I preach and I came up with this lovely sequence especially for you. This yoga practice will be focused on going to bed, and therefore you can even practice…

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How To Sit Like A Yogi

Whether you know it or not, yoga is designed to prepare your body to meditate. This means that sitting is a big part of it as well. What often is missed though by a lot of yoga teachers is: how do you sit properly in meditation? We often take it for granted as yoga shapes our body to make ourselves…

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