In my previous article, I’ve written something about self-love. Many ways on how to build more selfLuxury Yoga Retreats-esteem and how to become an even better version of yourself.

The next step is: feeling that you are worth it!

That’s why I came up with 5 luxury yoga retreats in the USA, just for you!

If you don’t have the budget, I wrote an article about some budget yoga retreats in Europe, and one about short mini yoga retreats in the USA as well.

If that’s more something for you, then feel free to go straight ahead to that page!

If not, keep on reading and enjoy whatever retreat is down here on the list (or feel free to ask for other options if you have something particular in mind).

Why go for Luxury?

Luxury Yoga RetreatsWell, that’s easy, feeling that you deserve something is part of loving yourself. If you already start thinking that you are not good enough or that you don’t deserve these kinds of retreats, then it might be time to go check on my other post again about how to build self-love!

If you are already at the point where you feel that you do deserve all the luxury you can get, congratulations!

A luxury yoga retreat is a bit different from your average retreat. Mostly they are in a stunning location. So no 2-star hotel for you! And besides that, mostly they have free (spa) treatments in their package.

So yeah, you do have to pay a bit more than any other retreat. But if you like a massage, or go to the sauna, then it might be good to pay a bit more for these types of retreats.

Other, cheaper retreats, often charge extra for treatments, and you could pay up to $80 per extra activity that they offer. This means that in the end, you could’ve paid even more than the average yoga retreat.

Without further ado, let’s start with 5 luxury yoga retreats that will keep you dreaming if you don’t decide to go for it.

Luxury Yoga Retreat Utah

Walker Wellness Retreats
Prices start from US$ 1.795
Various dates available

To start, I wanted to show that a luxury retreat doesn’t have to be that expensive. Considering that prices are just under US$2.000 can still be on the list of affordable yoga retreats. Not necessarily a budget yoga retreat though.

The thing also is, and I haven’t mentioned this before is that for most retreats, you’ll have to share your accommodation with the other participants to lower the price. But not with this one! The price is for everyone the same, and everyone gets a private bedroom! That’s already a luxury to start with. Nothing as bad as having to share the room than with someone who’s snoring ;).

Another great thing is that you could take your partner as well! It’s not exactly a couples retreat, but for an additional US$395 you can share your room with someone.

The package itself is quite packed, but still quite enjoyable. There are a lot of hikes included as well, so I’d almost say that this is a yoga and hiking retreat. As you’ll be entering into Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National park. The great thing is, if you don’t want to go for a hike, you can just enjoy the surroundings while the others are doing their hike.

The workshops itself are looking amazing as well. Not only will you be getting yoga of course, but there are also wellness workshops and a stress reduction introduction. Besides that, you’ll be also getting some cooking introductions. These are focused on healthy food (which you’ll also be eating), as a healthy lifestyle is also very important within the yogi life!

Shoot, so many more things to write about this retreat and so many more retreats to talk about. So what I’d like to suggest, if you have any more questions, or you are dying to read more about this one, you can go here to find what you’ve been looking for!

Picture by Walker Wellness Retreats on

Fit and yoga stay in Florida

Opal Sands Resort
Prices start from US$ 3.450
Multiple Dates Available

This retreat is for our die-hards out there. Not only do they offer yoga sessions, but they’re also into the hardcore business of fitness. This means that you’ll be sweating a lot, but don’t worry about that, because with your booking includes a T-shirt or tank top!

Besides those yoga sessions that they offer, you’ll also be doing some crazy and fun activities. Always wanted to go kayaking or kickboxing? Now it is your chance! You’ll be offered a daily 5-hour fitness routine! So if you’d like to lose a couple of pounds, or you’d just like to work on your overall fitness, then this is the place for you.

Besides that, everything is all-inclusive, so you don’t have to worry about all the healthy food you’ll be eating. There are even some dietary things you can choose from, like the paleo diet. It will all be taken care of!

The accommodation itself is a resort, so during your free time, you’ll be able to relax at the pool or even at the beach, which is just nearby. Or you can do some extra working out in the gym if that’s what you’d like!

The only downside is that I’ve heard some people complain about the fact that during their stay the pool was going into maintenance. So before you book your spot here, it’s best to ask first if they have any scheduled maintenance during your stay. Other than that, work it out now!


Ayurvedic yoga retreat Florida

Ayurveda Health Retreat
Wide range of prices

What’s better than combining Yoga with Ayurveda? These two combined are amazing for people who are looking for a complete treatment. Not only will you be getting yoga classes, but you’ll also get 5 days of Panchakarma as well! Besides that, you’ll also be diving deeper into meditation and pranayama.

This retreat is stunning, with all the treatments you’ll be having it’s gonna be completely rejuvenating. And the people who are leading the retreat are amazing as well. With all the knowledge they’re possessing, you’ll be satisfied.

What I just didn’t like that much about this retreat is that the prices are already quite steep and then they still say that you can book additional treatments. But then again, the good thing is that you’ll already be getting so many treatments, that chances are likely that you won’t be needing a lot of additional massages or ayurvedic treatments.

Have you always wanted to learn more about Ayurveda? There is also a cooking class included within the price!


Full Circle Yoga School
Prices start from US$ 2.499

Within this retreat, you’ll not only do yoga, but you’ll also be guided on how to create a yoga practice at home. This comes in quite handy as most of the time the retreat stops at check-out. This way, you’ll get the feeling that you’ll be having your retreat at home after you leave.

The yoga sessions that are included within the package are focused on Kundalini. This is a style of yoga that is very spiritual, so if you haven’t tried a yoga class in this style yet, I’d recommend going to one of those classes first to see how you like it.

You’ll also get a lot of individual attention on this retreat as well. They are offering 3 individual sessions to your liking as well. So if you have something that you’re struggling with, now might be the moment to tackle it and ask for guidance.

Another great thing is that you’ll be able to join all the studio classes that you’d like. So if you are interested in doing a couple of yoga classes a day, go ahead!

Luxury Yoga Retreat Pennsylvania

Located on the mountain top this institute is absolutely a must-see! I do have to admit, the price is a bit steep, but I’ve never seen a center like this. Not only do they have suites that are decorated into the finest details, but they also have a pool on the edge of a small cliff from where you’ll be enjoying the view. And they even have an infra-red sauna!

This is a whole package, so you’ll not only be getting yoga classes, but a therapeutic massage is included as well. And you can freely access all the amenities available on the land as well.

This retreat is something you must do when you want the full health and wellness package!


That’s it already again, for now at least. I hope there is a luxury yoga retreat that you like. If not you can also check this website for other luxury yoga retreats if you want.

If you already have some experience with one of these centers, please give your feedback in the comment section below!

Nama-stay wonderful!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Philip

    Hi Virendra,

    Looking into Yoga recently because really I think because I am approaching 40 I want to get in shape again, I think that happens a lot when you reach my age haha.

    So was checking out some retreats and this is how I found you. I have to say a Luxury Yoga Retreat sounds great. I would definitely have to do the beginner class though lol.

    Thank you for this article Virendra – Philip.

    1. Virendra

      Hi Philip,

      Great that you liked my page! Pretty much all of these are for beginners as well. However, for you, I’d recommend the retreat at the Harmony Mountain Institute!
      Enjoy and please let me know how it was!

      Kind regards,


  2. Kay

    This is JUST what I need!! As you can see from my own personal site, luxury is of the utmost importance to me. I am defiantly in the middle class and I am a firm believer in the need to feel as though you are enjoying the finer things in life every once in a while. It may not be important to others, but it is very important to me.

    These beautiful atmospheres dedicated solely to creating a relaxing and spiritual building environment are just beyond amazing. I am hoping to make it to one of these retreats VERY VERY soon. I may even go solo just to really rejuvenate my mind and body.

    Thank you so much for sharing the importance of these luxurious retreats.
    This is on my very recent agenda to save up money and be a part of it for a few nights!

    1. Virendra

      Thank you Kay for your comment :). I’m happy to hear that you like the article! If you happen to go on any of these retreats, let me know how it was :).

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