5 Amazing Adventure Yoga Retreats Around The World

Did you know that you can combine yoga with almost everything? Whether you'd like to go on a beach holiday combined with a little bit of yoga or go on a hike with some specialized classes, it's all available. This also makes it really hard to choose from the wide range of different retreats that are available. Luckily, you've come…

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Tips On How To Survive A Second Lockdown

After the first lockdown ended, a lot of us were probably pretty pleased that it was over. And probably many more would've imagined this never happening again. Well, I think things have turned again and a lot of countries are going back into lockdown. Or they might already have decided a long time ago to put the lock back onto…

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Free Christmas Yin Yoga Sequence For Your Digestive System

'Tis the Season to be jolly, unfortunately, this doesn't always count for our belly. Quite often the Holiday season is a bit of an attack on our digestive system. Well, not for all of us, but if you are experience things like IBS or other conditions, the Holidays can be a disaster. Well, the days themselves won't be, but the…

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Free Yoga Sequence To Get Warm In The Morning

The cold days have arrived. Winter's here and that means that it'll be freezing for the next couple of months. This depends where you live, of course. Anyway, this article will be here for a while, so if you are from down under, you can bookmark this page and come back in July or August! In this article, I'd like…

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Strydal Vs. vStudio, Which Is The Best Online Studio?

In the last couple of months, you might be overwhelmed by all the new platforms that have been created. People in a lot of countries aren't able to go physically to their studio. And this is a time that it might be even necessary. This is why yoga teachers have been looking for solutions. These solutions being offering online yoga…

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