Christmas yoga holidaysThe holidays are coming up and it’s a nice moment to retreat yourself. This is if you aren’t that fond of the Christmas and New-Year period at all, of course. Going on a retreat during the Holidays might be nice when you don’t look forward to over stuffing yourself with all the turkey that you could get. Or maybe you just want to do it a bit differently this year. Then going on a Christmas Yoga Retreat in Europe might be a good idea.

Of course, in Europe, you won’t be enjoying warm temperatures as on these retreats. But there is nothing that screams Christmas as sitting in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of chocolate. And the greatest thing is, these Europe retreats will all (but one) be under US$1.000. It’s not precisely a budget yoga retreat, but they are not gonna break the bank either!

Here we go!

Christmas Yoga Retreats Italy

The Art of Silence (Starts from US$737)
The Art of Silence Christmas yoga retreat
Picture by The Art of Silence on

Just the name itself already sounds amazing: The Art of Silence. Unfortunately, no men allowed. So, ladies, this one is all for you. And for the blokes out there, don’t worry, there will be more retreats to share right underneath this one. Or if you feel discriminated, you can just check out these retreats that are men only!

The title of the retreat itself is also really amazing: Empowering Women’s Yoga Journey. That has a nice ring to it as well, right? And what’s better than giving yourself the gift of empowerment for the holidays?

Of course, you’ll be doing yoga, Federica Clemente will be organizing all the sessions. You’ll be getting two yoga classes or movement sessions per day. And besides that, there will be a lot of healing circles and rituals as well. This combination is excellent to heal your soul or just to make it stronger.

During your retreat, you’ll be getting two meals per day. These will be lunch and dinner, so it’s up to you to decide if that will be enough for you. Knowing the great Italian kitchen, they normally serve big portions, so it’s best to decide together with the retreat leader to see if you need to go shopping before the retreats start.

The Art of Silence Christmas yoga Retreat
Picture by The Art of Silence on

The retreat itself will take place in Ostuni, in the Puglia area. It’s in the south of Italy so during the Holiday period it’s always a bit tricky to know what weather it will be like. It can be very sunny and enjoyable, but as you are close to the Mediterranean sea, it can also be very windy and cold. So before you leave for this trip it’s advisable to check your weather app to see what you’ll need to pack!

Villa Santa Maria (Prices start from US$ 1.954)
Vila Santa Maria Christmas yoga retreat
Picture by Vila Santa Maria on

If you’d like a taste of the countryside in Italy, then you have to visit this place. Have you ever seen those movies where they are having a typical Italian wedding at a traditional Italian villa? Well, this place comes just out of the movies with its lush garden, amazing view and above all very comfortable rooms.

As I mentioned before, there is one retreat that didn’t make it on the budget list, which is this one, but that doesn’t make it any less attractive. The schedule itself during this yoga retreat is stunning as well. Not only will you be getting meditation and yoga sessions during your stay, but you’ll also be getting some workshops.

These workshops are varied, you’ll have a cooking class, a wellness workshop, and you’ll have a lot of free time as well, to do some exploring. Or if you just want to relax, there is a lot of space for that as well of course ;).

And on your last evening, you’ll even be enjoying a traditional Italian meal in town!

This retreat is located in Cortona, which is in central Italy. This means that it can be cold during the winter. Temperatures are between 32°F (0°C) and 44°F (12°C) in the winter, which means that you can use your winter stuff while you are staying there.

Vila Santa Maria Christmas yoga retreat
Picture by Vila Santa Maria on

Christmas Yoga Retreat Portugal

Shamballah Retreats (Prices start from US$ 670)
Shamballah Retreats Christmas yoga retreat
Picture by Shamballah Retreats on

Oh, what do I love Sintra. Sadly, during the summer months, it’s way too busy and too expensive. But the area itself is amazing to see. And you are close to the Lisbon area but still surrounded by plenty of trees as this area is protected. There are even a lot of spiritual hikes going on in this area, which you can check out after you’ve done this retreat.

During this retreat, you’ll start your day with a vigorous Vinyasa yoga practice. This will wake you up in an instant and it will warm up your body, as the winters at Sintra might be cold-ish. In the late afternoon, you’ll be getting a Hatha yoga session to prepare your body to calm down for the day and in the evening there will be a guided meditation before you go to bed.

Shamballah Retreats Christmas yoga retreat
Picture by Shamballah Retreats on

All of these combined, make that you’ll be getting the rest and replenishment you need. Together with two meals a day and a lot of free time to explore the area, with or without your fellow attendees.

Besides all of this, the location itself is quite luxurious as well and you’ll be granted access to a Jacuzzi as well!

New-Years Yoga Retreats Spain

Ateltrainer's Transcendental Spiritual Training Center (Prices start from US$ 558)

Near Valencia, in a small town called Hortunas, you’ll find this retreat center. And they will be focused on your Spiritual Growth as they are only having three participants maximum. They also claim that it’s not a yoga retreat, but a spiritual journey. So for all the seekers out there, this spiritual retreat is something for you!

Ateltrainer's Transcendental Spiritual Training Center New Years Retreat
Picture by Ateltrainer’s Transcendental Spiritual Training Center on

Because it’s such a small group, you’ll be invited into the center as you are part of the family. You’ll be able to enjoy the family meals that will be served at their house, which is fully catered of course. And isn’t it nice to reside in some family energy during the holidays? I think it is. Besides that, you’ll be getting a lot more guidance as well during your stay there, so it’s always nice to build your own spiritual family.

The sessions that you’ll be getting is very diverse, it can be yoga, or Tai Chi, Healing meditations, and so on. It’s also great that within this trip all energetical diagnoses and treatments are included.

The only thing I have to mention is that the accommodation itself isn’t that luxurious. You’ll be getting a caravan or a cabin, so you’ll have to bring some extra things like a blanket yourself. Of course, with this price and with all the guidance you’ll be getting, this will be just fine for the adventurers out there.

Ateltrainer's Transcendental Spiritual Training Center New Years Retreat
Picture by Ateltrainer’s Transcendental Spiritual Training Center on

As you’ll be in the mountains, weather conditions might be very variable. It can be snowy, so it might be best to bring your winter boots with you as well.

Are you ready to dive deeper into the depths of your soul? Click here to find out more.

Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre (Prices start from US$ 759)

If you go more south in Spain, you’ll discover this retreat center, Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre. Yeah, it’s a mouthful of words, but they are stunning.

Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre New Years retreat
Picture by Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre on

Have you ever done yoga in the middle of nature on a beautiful wooden deck? Well, it’s possible to do it here! Of course, this is if the weather conditions are suitable enough to do yoga outside. The schedule itself depends all on you, you’ll be getting yoga and meditation sessions, and what you want to do besides that, you can discover together with the retreat leaders.

Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre New Years retreat
Picture by Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Centre on

This retreat is very ecological, so it might have belonged as well in my article of nature retreats. As you’ll be residing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, away from everything during the New Year. So, if you don’t like the fuzz about the whole celebrate the new year thing, then this retreat is just for you!

And if you want, you can even sleep in your magical yurt! It’s a great way to be closer to nature and to enjoy your privacy as well. Of course, if that’s not your thing there are other options available as well. Just have a look and see if something is fitting for your needs!

Post-New Year Retreat UK

Yogamoves (Prices start from US$ 668)

And after the Holidays comes the … well, eventually the sun, but first it might be good to detox from all the food you’ve had during the Christmas period ;). If you’ve never done yoga in a mansion, and that’s just on top of your list, then you should go here. It’s not a castle, but while you are doing yoga in the classic rooms, you can imagine yourself ringing a bell for the butler to come.

Yogamoves Detox Yoga Retreat UK
Picture by Yogamoves on

Okay, there probably won’t be a butler, and it’s not such a good thing to think about it while you are doing yoga. But this location is stunning and to dream of. Prices are good as well, so it’s quite attractive overall.

The yoga sessions will be given by Vicki Snow and she’ll be having her hands full! Not only will you be doing yoga, but you’ll also be doing Kriya cleansing practices, meditation and a fire pit cleanse. There is no better way to start your new year with some detoxing and doing some rituals to clean yourself of all the energy you’ve accumulated during the past year!

Besides that, there will even be some time for you to book an extra treatment.

All meals will be vegan to support the detox effect of your yoga retreats, and all drinks and snacks are included as well. So you won’t have to spend an extra dime on food.

That said, it’s only a shame that this retreat only lasts 3 days and 2 nights. Are you ready to embark on your dream yoga retreat? Click here to find out more information.

Yogamoves Detox Yoga Retreat UK
Picture by Yogamoves on


Having a getaway during the Holidays, or even after to relax, is a great way to distance yourself from the hectic that is surrounded by the Christmas period. These Holiday yoga retreats over Christmas and New Year are ideal to attend alone, or with someone else. So if your family isn’t that supportive of your Holiday plans, then just take them along with you ;).

I hope you’ll be enjoying your Holidays and please let me know in the comment section below what you liked about them!

Nama-stay wonderful!


This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ropata

    Hello, I had no idea of all these different option of yoga retreats. I can’t think of a better thing to do with my spare time over my Christmas break than that of a spot of yoga and mediation. It has been a very trying year and this is going to be the perfect treat to fully unwind and reconnect with the spirit. 

    Thank you for this wonder array of choices. You have made my homework super easy:)

    Regards Ropata

    1. Virendra

      Hi Ropata, I’m glad you like the choices here, and I hope you find the one that fits best for you to unwind and reconnect with your soul again! You’re always welcome to come back here to tell us about your experience! Take care!

  2. Rob S.

    I’ve always wanted to go on a Christmas retreat and since my wife and both do yoga, Europe would certainly be different for sure.
    I’m showing this to my wife because we’re always talking about going to Europe anyway! Portugal is nice.
    That would be our choice for sure!
    This would be a dream vacation for relaxation for sure!
    Are the prices daily for two?

    1. Virendra

      Hi Rob, on this retreat, they only have twin beds, but if you’d ask them, maybe they can arrange to put them together or something? The price for two is a bit higher then, and makes it USD$ 782 per person. 

  3. Christine

    This sounds like the perfect thing to do during Christmas, just getting away from it all, from the annoying questions “who’re you spending Christmas with?” and everything else connected with Commercialistmas. The Art of Silence looks like the perfect place to be for me right now. I need to heal my soul, and the area is so beautiful. Italy, Italian food on top of a yoga retreat. What more could I possibly want? Although the price is ok, it is unfortunately out of my budget at the moment … 

    I also like the retreat in Spain, since they only take three participants, which means that they can really focus on your and your personal growth. That’s beautiful. The one in the UK is also one I like. I prefer yoga retreats that offer vegan meals. It’s better to ingest meals that carry no misery or cruelty to cleanse your soul. 

    1. Virendra

      Yes Christine, now when people ask you the dreadful question who you’re going to spend Christmas with, you can just answer: with myself! It’s great to think about yourself and get a breather during the holidays! I hope you can decide on the one that you’d like to do!

  4. Carol5162

    A retreat is a great getaway at least for once for us that are so used to the traditional family gatherings and over-eating. I can only imagine how focused I will be after the Yoga retreat with a clear vision for my new year. This is never the case with traditional Christmas festivities. Armonia Alpujarra Healing Retreat Center looks like the place I would want to be. The view of the hills and being around nature is breath-taking. Thank you for these recommendations.

    1. Virendra

      Thank you for your comment Carol! Enjoy your yoga retreat and feel free to come back here to write about your experience if you’d like!

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